Hamazkayin "Lucy Tutunjian" Art Gallery
Hamazkayin“Lucy Tutunjian”美術館成立於2009年,旨在為黎巴嫩和該地區的人們帶來偉大的藝術,推廣不同背景和風格的藝術家的作品,並成為能吸引藝術愛好者的聚會場所。
該畫廊在Garbis先生和Lucy Tutunjian夫人的慷慨支持下建成,目的是在黎巴嫩 – 亞美尼亞社區和黎巴嫩的文化景觀中發揮獨特的作用。
The Hamazkayin “Lucy Tutunjian” Art Gallery was founded in 2009 to bring great art to the people of Lebanon and the region, to promote the works of artists with different backgrounds and styles, and to be an engaging meeting place for all art lovers.
Built with the generous support of Mr. and Mrs. Garbis and Lucy Tutunjian, the gallery aims to play a unique role in the Lebanese-Armenian community and Lebanon’s cultural landscape.
原文出自 Hamazkayin “Lucy Tutunjian” Art Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Hamazkayin Art Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.