Galerie Tanit
Galerie Tanit 於德國柏林深耕四十年後,在黎巴嫩首都貝魯特開幕了一間新的畫廊,致力於展現當代藝術,支持黎巴嫩和國際新興藝術家與知名藝術家的創作,創造一個培養當代藝術的環境,以藝術反映現代社會的狀態。許多與空間互動的展覽在此展出,影片和錄像也有專門的展出空間,並邀請客座策展人規劃展覽。
The new Beirut gallery is an impressive showplace for contemporary art, just like Galerie Tanit in Munich, that celebrates its 40th anniversary this year. It will be dedicated to a selection of established as well as emerging contemporary artists, both Lebanese and International, who share the purpose of the founder Naila Kettaneh Kunigk which is to create an environment for creation that should reflect upon the meaning of art today.
The gallery plans on bringing new artists from around the world and the larger space will provide the ability to present space related exhibitions, work with guest curators, and show part of the gallery’s collection; a space for film and videos is also planned.
原文出自 Galerie Tanit 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Galerie Tanit and has been translated and altered by AVAT