Beirut Art Center
Beirut Art Center 創立於2009年,是一個非盈利、免費參觀的當代藝術展覽場地。坐落於黎巴嫩首都一棟兩層樓的建築中,有1500平方米的廣闊展覽空間,擁有豐富的展覽資源,是 Beirut 當代藝術展覽的重要推手。該空間有許多高品質的影像、錄像展覽,也舉辦工作坊、音樂會等活動,並經常邀請當地與國際性的藝術家展出。該中心成立的目的是提供藝術研究與文化實踐一個創造、展出並脈絡化的空間,藉由展覽、駐村計劃等刺激新的對話、辯論與交流,期待在此將不同的形式、想法與經驗轉化成藝術的實踐。
Founded in 2009, Beirut Art Center (BAC) is a non-profit, free-of-charge contemporary art space. Situated in a two-story building in the capital of Lebanon, Beirut Art Centre has an exhibition space of 1500 square meters. As a driving force of contemporary art in Beirut, BAC holds many high-quality art exhibitions with a range of artistic forms, especially those of image and video. Local and international artists are regularly invited to participate in various events, such as workshops and concerts. The aim of beirut art center is to produce, present and contextualize local and international art researches and cultural practices. With exhibitions and residence programs, they incite exchanges, debates and discussions, allowing the engagement with various art forms and experiences.
原文出自 Beirut Art Center 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Beirut Art Center and has been translated and altered by AVAT.