Ayyam Gallery
Ayyam Gallery 成立於2006年,是一家據領導地位的藝術機構,與知名藝術家和新興藝術家合作,貝魯特和杜拜的藍籌藝術空間。與美國,歐洲和亞洲等地藝術機構的的一系列合作以及跨國非營利藝術計劃進一步推動了畫廊的發展,擴大對國際藝術的參與。 憑藉其受到廣泛尊重的多語言出版部門和一個管理前衛藝術家作品的託管計劃, Ayyam Gallery 也致力於記錄了全球藝術史中尚未被充分曝光的藝術面向。
Founded in 2006, Ayyam Gallery is a leading arts organisation that manages the careers of diverse established and emerging artists. Blue-chip art spaces in Beirut and Dubai, a series of collaborative projects in the United States, Europe, and Asia, and a multinational non-profit arts programme have furthered the gallery’s mandate of expanding the parameters of international art. With its widely respected multilingual publishing division and a custodianship programme that manages the estates of pioneering artists, Ayyam Gallery has also contributed to recent efforts that document underrepresented facets of global art history.
原文出自 Ayyam Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Ayyam Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.