Artspace Hamra

Artspace Hamra
Artspace Hamra 同時是一間商業畫廊,也是一個非盈利的多元化的展場空間,以非商業性的形式推廣中東地區的當代藝術,舉辦展覽、主題駐村計劃、藝術教育和各種文化活動,希望建立一個開放、具有互動性的當代藝術平台,目標是促進文化交流以及提升地方和全球對中東藝術的關注,創造一個有存續性的當代藝術平台。
Artspace Hamra is an art gallery and multidisciplinary space, promoting and supporting modern and contemporary Middle Eastern art. By conducting exhibitions, thematic residencies, art education and hosting cultural events, the organization aims to create an interactive and open platform for the arts. Our ambition is to initiate a dialogue among cultures and promote awareness of Middle Eastern art both locally and globally.
Artspace Hamra is home to both a commercial art gallery and nonprofit organization which supports non-commercial art projects and events. This twofold approach allows our organization to broaden its engagement with visual culture, creating a sustainable and uncompromising platform for public interaction and cultural expression.
Artspace Hamra is situated on the 6th floor above bustling Hamra Street, an airy and versatile space of over 300 sq. meters, with a bird’s eye view of cosmopolitan Beirut. Artspace Hamra opened May, 2015.
原文出自 Artspace Hamra 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Artspace Hamra and has been translated and altered by AVAT.