Art on 56th
為位於黎巴嫩貝魯特的獨立視覺藝術畫廊。由 Noha Wadi Moharram 創立於2012年,紮根於首都蓬勃發展的藝術和文化街區 Gemmayzeh。 除了向國際觀眾和藝廊呈現本地藝術家,其宗旨是推廣既有和新興
Art on 56th Gallery is an independent visual art gallery in Beirut, Lebanon. It was founded by Noha Wadi Moharram
in 2012, and is rooted in Gemmayzeh, the capital’s booming artistic and cultural neighborhood. In addition to presenting
roster of local artists to an international audience, the gallery’s mission is to promote both established and emerging
contemporary artists from the Middle East and beyond. This results in a colorful exchange, highlighting the powerful
meaning of images and creativity within a society.
The gallery exhibits artworks in a large variety of media, including painting, sculpture, work
on paper, photography and video installation.
原文出自 Art On 56th 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Art On 56th and has been translated and altered by AVAT.