某天看希區科克1956年的電影《擒凶記》(《The man who knew too much》),關於家庭,信仰,人性和陰謀,故事從北非
I once watched the 1956 movie, The Man Who Knew Too Much, directed by Alfred Hitchcock. With a story about family, faith, human nature and conspiracies, the setting starts in Morocco in North Africa before continuing to England. At the end of the movie, the assassin character falls from a ledge inside a concert hall, and the heroine is finally reunited with her kidnapped son. Because a lot of scenes were filmed in Morocco, much of the movie imagery exudes strong color tones. I like such colors because they bring a certain temperature. I have never been to Morocco, but I imagine it as a place of vivid colors, high temperatures, conflict, and, of course, the famous desert. My fascination with the desert probably began when I was 15 to 16 years old. Due to it, I travelled to Dunhuang, Inner Mongolia, and Xinjiang. But, this was not enough. It will actually never be enough. Deserts are a kind of place I look forward to when not knowing where I belong. In 2013, I moved to Berlin, and my life here is as simple as when I was working in China. Or, I should say, this is the kind of life I want to have now. In Berlin, everything is placed within a 15-minute distance from home: the supermarket, gym, and my favorite restaurants. Little by little I fell in love with this life. It allows me to spend most of the time alone, thinking. Because I spend many hours working in my studio, it sometimes feels like what is inside the house is the real world, and that the world outside my building is unreal. After going outside, my brain often starts to automatically record the images I see, forming a dictionary. Sometimes it will automatically connect with my dreams, some of which are based on real life. Often a single image suddenly springs out of my mind, pairing with another. Sometimes I am in doubt, while other times this kind of seeking and thinking seems to last longer than the time I spend reflecting about the images on my own works. My paintings are more about the similar properties of different materials. Day by day, I gradually found this to be interesting. I wanted to show it in my works through large drawings. But, what hasn’t changed this year is that I am still sewing: on paper, canvas, or walls. I am still mending myself because I cannot be whole. I wish my works will touch that part of your heart which remains hidden.
Xiaohua, Berlin, June 2017.
開幕酒會Opening|2017.8.19(Sat.) 18:00-21:00
開放時間Time|週二Tue-週六Sat 13:00-19:00
展覽地點Venue|十方藝術空間 GALERIE OVO(台北市中山區德惠街51號)