黑天鵝效應 – 何孟娟個展

双方藝廊將於7月29日至9月3日展出何孟娟「黑天鵝效應」個展,本次展覽含括了藝術家過去四年來持續進行的「魏絲貝斯」以及「我的牡丹亭」之全新系列作品。兩系列作品看似兩極,青年與老人、東方與西方,然而系列之間相異的題材卻內藏著何孟娟一直以來關注的社會與文化議題。「魏絲貝斯」系列取景紐約的「魏斯貝絲藝術公寓」(Westbeth Artist housing),何孟娟費時四年記錄居住於內的年長藝術家與他們的日常居所。「我的牡丹亭」系列作品則呈現並融合中國傳統的崑曲及韓國流行音樂K-POP,在不同的時空背景下卻運用相似的流行文化元素,同步地展示女性對於自身的認同。而本次展名「黑天鵝效應」旨在說明我們認為理所當然的日常,可能因為一個資訊的出現而全然反轉;在1697年探險家於澳大利亞發現了黑天鵝,人們才知道過去的認知是片面的——並非所有的天鵝都是白色的。在本次展出的兩系列作品中,藝術家想讓觀者理解,即便是過往認知的事實在經過新的角度觀察後,也會因為新的資訊產生全然不同的意義,這也成為串聯「黑天鵝效應」展出作品的共通詞。

Not The Chelsea Hotel – Isa Ho Solo Exhibition

Double Square Gallery is pleased to present Not the Chelsea Hotel – ISA HO solo exhibition, on view from July 29 to September 3. The exhibition will showcase Isa Ho’s ongoing series of the “Westbeth” project and the newly developed serial work “My Peony Pavilion.” While the subject matter of the two series seem to sit on the opposite end of a spectrum: the young and the elderly, the East and the West; the difference between the series embodies Ho’s continual focus on socio-cultural issues. The “Westbeth” series was inspired by and shot at the Westbeth Artists Housing in New York, where Ho spent over four years documenting the senior artists living there, their daily lives and environment. “My Peony Pavilion” utilizes and blends the traditional Chinese Kunqu Opera and Korean popular music K-pop to picture female self-identity in two juxtaposed temporal and spatial frameworks, by leveraging similar pop culture element. The exhibition title Not the Chelsea Hotel (Chinese Title: The Black Swan Effect) points to a key concept: the everyday mundaneness taken for granted might be overturned by a new piece of information – just as when a black swan was “discovered” by an explorer in Australia in 1697, only then people started to realize not all swans were white and their understanding was partial. The concept of the Black Swan Effect becomes the connecting thread: through presenting the two series together in this show, the artist wants to inform the audience’s preconceived notions of facts having the possibility to formulate utterly opposing meanings, once approached with a new angle with a new piece of information presented.


展覽地點Venue|Double Square Gallery 双方藝廊
展覽開幕Opening|2017.07.29(六) 3:00 pm
藝術家導覽Artist Guided Tour|2017.08.12(六)3:00 pm

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