Theertha 是一位藝術家領導的計劃,成立於2000年,總部位於斯里蘭卡的科倫坡。
Theertha 是位於斯里蘭卡的藝術家自營空間。自2000年成立以來,Theertha 進行大量的藝術活動。由11位視覺藝術家發起,透過斯里蘭卡國際藝術家研討會促進國際藝術交流,並擴大其活動範圍,包括藝術教師培訓、出版藝術/文化刊物、藝術家工作坊,及國際和本地展覽。透過這些活動,Theertha 帶來正面影響,在藝術學生和科倫坡的藝術家社區以及該地區的某些社區中喚起人們對當代藝術及其意識形態的認識。透過他們的藝術出版物,他們還試圖將有關當代藝術/文化問題的討論擴大傳播至整個斯里蘭卡。
Theertha 支持90年代潮流的藝術,挑戰了藝術創作中的現有美學、方法論和意識形態,一直強調並鼓勵藝術家的創新和實驗思想。Theertha 展示了一些當代藝術家的創新作品。Theertha 贊助斯里蘭卡較新的藝術形式,例如行為藝術和裝置藝術,使其獲得擴大及發展的機會。
這些年來,Theertha 需要展覽空間的活動大增,與此同時,斯里蘭卡藝術界不斷壯大,全球化擴大了藝術家的目標,抱負和需求,可為本地和國際觀眾提供更大的知名度和藝術展示機制的設施難以滿足國際標準和要求。 因此,Theertha 於2007年建立了自己的藝術空間替代方案 “紅點畫廊”,以展示計劃中產生的實驗性藝術和當代藝術。
為了替本地藝術家開闢機遇並保持國際聯繫,Theertha 投入了大量的精力,資源和專業知識,與國際藝術經理,藝術家,藝術機構和資助機構建立密切的關係。 Theertha 透過定期舉行的國際藝術研討會和駐場活動,促進了藝術家的流動性。 透過這些活動,Theertha 成為 “Network” 的創始合夥人,Network 是一家聯合南亞藝術機構的組織,包含巴基斯坦(Vasl),印度(Khoj),尼泊爾(Sutra)和孟加拉(Britto Arts Trust) 。 在Theertha 成立的15年中,還聯合了其他藝術機構,這讓國際和斯里蘭卡接軌並有許多有趣且創新的合作。
目前,Theertha 位於斯里蘭卡 Borella 的 D. S. Senanayake Mawatha 39 / 4A。
*2020-2021 視盟「全球災難共同體-我們如何因應、紓困與復甦?」參與單位;詳請可參考視盟專門建置、以推動國際交流項目為主的「Art On Air 藝術放送中」平台
Theertha is an artists’ led initiative, found in 2000, based in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Theertha is an autonomous, artist-led non-profit initiative based in Colombo. Theertha has undertaken a considerable amount of art activities since its inception in 2000. First, started by 11 visual artists to facilitate international art exchange through international artist workshops in Sri Lanka, it has expanded its activities to include art education through art teacher training, publications on art/culture, workshops for artists, international and local exhibitions. Through these activities, Theertha has intervened positively to create awareness on the contemporary art and its ideologies among the art students and the artists’ community-based in Colombo and selected communities in the regional areas. Through their art publication, they also have tried to disseminate discussions on current art/ culture issues to a larger community within Sri Lanka.
Theertha, who support the art of the 90’s trend which challenged the existing aesthetics, methodologies, and ideology in art making has always emphasized and encouraged innovative and experimental ideas among artists. Theertha has showcased some of the innovative artworks done by contemporary artists. Through the patronage of Theertha the relatively new art forms to Sri Lanka such as performance art and installation got the opportunity and forums to expand and evolve.
Theertha activities that need exhibition spaces increased considerably over the years, While, Sri Lankan art community grew and the global connections have expanded the goals, aspirations, and needs of artists, the infrastructure to support greater visibility and art presentations mechanisms to local and international audiences have been slow to meet international standards and requirements. Therefore, Theertha established its own alternative art space ‘Red Dot Gallery’ in 2007 in order to showcase the experimental and contemporary art produced within its programs.
To open up avenues for local artists and maintain connection internationally Theertha invests a considerable amount of their energy, resources, and expertise on building up close relations with international art managers, artists, art institutions and funding bodies. Theertha facilitated artists’ mobility through its regularly held international art workshops and residencies. As a result of these activities, Theertha was able to be a founding partner of the ‘Network’, a South Asia based network of artists with Pakistan (Vasl), India (Khoj), Nepal (Sutra) and Bangladesh (Britto Arts Trust). Other networks have been formed and connections expanded over the 15 years of Theertha’s existence, which has resulted in interesting and innovative collaborations internationally and in Sri Lanka.
At present Theertha is housed at 39/4A, D. S. Senanayake Mawatha, Borella, Sri Lanka.
原文出自 Theertha,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from Theertha and has been translated and altered by AVAT.