
Shunya Collective

Shunya 的意思是無、零、不存在、空,也是遠離短暫政體與社會的一群個體。2012年,原先在孟買的 Nikhil Raunak、Amol Patil、Sachin Bonde、Poonam Jain、Yogesh Barve、Rupali Patil、Prabhakar Pachpute 在 Clark House Initiative 相遇,當時成員們剛從印度三所不同的大學畢業,來自藝術領域不同的學科。他們藉由參數探索藝術場景的可能性與建築的不同特性。實踐 Shunya 的方式並不限於展演空間,更可向外延伸到社區建築,成為某種抵抗含義:製作壁畫、張貼藝術家創作的海報於公共空間、進行公共表演、在公共空間展示文件或發放文宣,使得平常沒機會接觸的人們有更多詮釋的空間。什麼是社區的聲音?當社區聲音從不同的地形迴響並於現有的政治、社會變化和時間的基礎上牽動我們,什麼是重要的? 集體行為真的是集體嗎?作者身份的作用為何?我們應如何認知?

* 2019 視盟「西亞南亞交流計畫」參與單位

Mumbai Art Room





Harkat is an international boutique arts studio with a passion for film, new media, community art spaces and contemporary art. Based in Mumbai & Berlin, Harkat takes many forms and identities across disciplines & related creative industries. As an alternative performance & arts space, we have hosted more than 150 shows in the past year in the mediums of theatre, film, music, community projects & contemporary art. We support the new, unheard, upcoming, exciting, cutting edge, the political, the forgotten, nostalgic, melancholic, soul stirring, the beautiful & more. And that’s what Harkat is.

Text in this page is originally from the official website of Harkat and has been translated and altered by AVAT.


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Clark House Initiative



Bombay is a curatorial collaborative concerned with ideas of freedom.Clark House Initiative is a curatorial collaborative and a union of artists based in Bombay.Clark House was once an office of pharmaceutical research, an antiques store, and the shipping office of the Thakur Shipping Company that had links to countries in the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Japan. Curatorial interventions in the space hope to continue, differently, this history of internationalism, experiment and research. It was established in October 2010 as a curatorial collaborative concerned with ideas of freedom.Each of the founders at some point or another criss-crossed and worked together at the CSMVS museum in Mumbai. We would walk across the museum to this beautiful old building, under which we used to talk, imagining the changes we felt were pressing. That beautiful, decrepit building was called Clark House, from which we took our name, and from where our projects are based.

原文出自Clark House Initiative官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Clark House Initiative and has been translated and altered by AVAT.