SALT 是一間在土耳其首都安卡拉有多處營運點的非營利組織,研究當代藝術的發展並規劃展覽與各種相關專案,在現今文化的框架底下呈現當代社會的各種問題。期待能打破向伊斯坦堡聚集的文化風潮,SALT 積極與安卡拉的大學和其他非營利藝文組織合作,平衡土耳其文化資源並探索安卡拉的城市歷史,提供社會大眾豐富的文化收藏。
SALT will spread its Ankara-based research and programs, which began at SALT Ulus in April 2013, to different locations throughout the city. Exhibitions and public programs engaging with today’s urgencies will be presented within the existent cultural infrastructure, while research projects around Ankara’s multi-layered history will expand with collaborations. Addressing the imbalance of contemporary cultural activity across Turkey, SALT founded a base in the capital with the aim of stepping beyond the Istanbul-oriented agenda. In this new phase, SALT will broaden the scope and density of Ankara-wide collaborations with various initiatives, universities, and NGOs with the same aim.
Use of SALT Ulus as a venue has ended as of September; archival work and research on the city, as well as planning of programs and collaborations, will continue at SALT’s new office in Ankara.
SALT Galata is organized to enable a challenging, multi-layered program that includes SALT Research, which offers public access to thousands of print and digital resources; a 218-capacity Auditorium; Ottoman Bank Museum spreading throughout the floors with digital presentations; Office of Useful Art that focuses on expanding the potential of co-learning among the institution and the users; Workshops and exhibition spaces; as well as Neolokal and Robinson Crusoe 389.
原文出自 SALT RESEARCH 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of SALT RESEARCH and has been translated and altered by AVAT.