LASANAA 替代空間是一個因應展演需求轉換形式的概念空間,促進與社區的合作,一同推廣當代藝術。NexUs 為LASANAA 多數活動舉行的空間。秉持凝聚人心的宗旨,LASANAA 透過交流讓藝術家學習,提供國內外藝術家探索非傳統藝術形式的機會,進而產生獨到且與眾不同的藝術表達。LASANAA 的核心理念是為社會帶來改變,不論是在社會、文化或政治層面上,都希望能透過藝術和行動主義的結合激發變革。
*2018 視盟「西亞南亞交流計畫」參與單位
LASANAA, an alternative art space, is a conceptual space that adapts its forms as needed and stimulates a community to collaborate and promote contemporary art. NexUs is the physical space where LASANAA events are realized most of the time. LASANAA, with the credo of bringing people together, allows learning through the exchange. It provides an opportunity for local and international artists to explore art forms beyond the conventional and the traditional, in order to arrive at a unique individual expression.LASANAA’s main objective is to bring about changes in society – on social, cultural and political levels, through its artivism (art + activism).
原文出自 LASANAA @ NexUs 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of LASANAA @ NexUs and has been translated and altered by AVAT.