Katara Art Center
成立於2012年,Katara Art Center是各類藝術創作、設計與文化的集合地,跳脫傳統定義上藝術的框架,邀請杜哈當地各年齡層的藝術創作者定期舉辦展覽,加強卡達的文化品牌概念,並且有中東區域和世界級的合作專案。
Founded in 2012 by Tariq Al Jaidah in the iconic and unique Katara Village (Building 5 – Next to the Amphitheater), the KAC ® is a cultural hub that has been developed to provide a creative ecosystem that goes beyond the typical standards of art, design and culture. It has its own spirit, identity and creative heart. The KAC is also an art incubator that strengthens the cultural branding of Qatar by helping artists to grow and hosting art events and concepts, shaping Katara Village as one of the leading spots of design, art and culture within the Middle East. We developed many events with world class brands such as Sotheby’s.
原文出自 Katara Art Center 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Katara Art Center and has been translated and altered by AVAT.