Homa art gallery
成立於2005年,主要任務為推廣新興伊朗當代與視覺藝術家,目前已展出超過一百五十場展覽,同時與美術館、機構,與其他伊朗的藝廊合作,一起舉辦年度展覽 Nasle No。除此之外還有季節性的收藏展,促進業餘與專業收藏家跟藝術家彼此之間良好的關係。
In April 2005, Homa art gallery was established by Parviz Maleki and managed by Hengameh Moammeri.
Our mission: reviewing of Iran contemporary and modern visual arts.promoting emerging artists in Iran and abroad. Gallery Homa is proud to have been the first gallery who exhibited major cutting edge artists in Iran by helping them to start their carriers. Gallery Homa has shown hundred and fifty exhibitions so far.
Gallery Homa cooperates with the art museums, foundations and art galleries in promotion of developing of young Iranian arts by holding the annual exhibition of Nasle no,( new generation).
Also exhibiting the seasonal collection, Improvement of Iranian modern and contemporary art collections, advising the amateur and professional collectors and providing art purchasers with proper economic context, are our lateral activities .
原文出自 Homa Art Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Homa Art Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.