
Sazmanab 自2008年創立於伊朗德黑蘭,原是藝術家經營的計畫及進駐空間,現為一個策展平台,除了發起策展計畫,也藉由舉辦展覽、活動、教育計畫、工作坊、講座、出版品,以及邀請藝術家、策展人、研究員進駐,來協助推廣藝術作品。透過建立地方及國際關係,並開發多元當代藝術實踐及觀眾類型,致力支持、擴展伊朗及周邊地區對當代藝術和文化探討的知識、鑑賞及實踐能力。
*2018 視盟「西亞南亞交流計畫」參與單位
Sazmanab is a curatorial platform which originally started as an artist-run project space and residency programme in Tehran in 2008. Sazmanab creates curatorial projects and supports artistic work in a wide range of media through exhibitions and events, residencies for artists, curators and researchers, educational initiatives, workshops, talks, and publications. By establishing local and international relationships, as well as diversifying both the practitioners and audiences of contemporary art, Sazmanab aims to support and expand the knowledge, appreciation and practice of contemporary arts and cultural discourses in Iran and the region.
原文出自 Sazmanab 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Sazmanab and has been translated and altered by AVAT