Den Gallery
Den Gallery 是由一群擁有獨特文化藝術氣息的科威特藝術家組成,聚集了年輕和現有的當代藝術家,並在繪畫、雕塑和圖像領域提出新的方法。科威特當代藝術反映了關於文化和社會生活的不同意識形態。Den Gallery 的宗旨為向公眾展示當代藝術的新視野,鼓勵藝術家成為社會中的活躍成員,也提供獎項與機會給致力於當代藝術的藝術家。
Den Gallery unifies young as well as established contemporary artists and presents new approaches in the area of painting, drawing, sculpturing and graphics. Den gallery is established by a group of Kuwaiti artists hosting unique & cultural art. It expands experiences to promote professionals of various creative disciplines resulting in a series of successful ventures by representing Kuwait globally. Contemporary art in Kuwait reflects the different ideologies including cultural and social life. Therefore, Den Gallery contributes in presenting new horizon in the Kuwaiti contemporary art Den Gallery aims to exhibit artists’ artworks to the general public to encourage them to become active members in the societ. Many of Den Gallery’s founders exhibit their artworks locally as well as internationally and they were awarded many awards within their participation. Den Gallery provides opportunities to artists whom are dedicated to contemporary art.
原文出自 Den Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Den Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.