Dar Al Funoon
畫廊成立於1994年,Dar Al Funoon 成立目的是為了鼓勵當地以及廣泛而言中東的當代藝術創作,希望中東藝術維持多元美好的面貌。Dar Al Funoon 亦提供青年藝術家個展或聯展的機會,在培養人才的同時也展現了當代藝術多樣化的面貌。
Since its inception in 1994, Dar Al Funoon has played a major role in advocating local and Middle Eastern art that remains dynamic, fascinating and sought after in the art world.
Dar Al Funoon is also a platform for young, aspiring artists to show their work in collective or solo exhibitions, to develop their professional careers and to demonstrate the diversity of contemporary art in a wide range of styles, approaches, ideas and forms.
原文出自 Dar Al Funoon 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Dar Al Funoon and has been translated and altered by AVAT.