在「宮城藝術的奇異點」展覽中,TURNAROUND 畫廊帶來的作品是與東北宮城縣相關的特色藝術家作品。這次很開心有機會在台灣舉辦交流展,希望能與台灣民眾分享日本藝文現況。曾經在東日本 311 大地震目賭了社會的混亂,在如此脆弱的系統中生存,隨時可能會在類似的事件再崩塌,所以絕不能失去對自己身份的認知。我們相信自己可以藉由探索且證明自己的奇異性所在,繼續在這個未來的時代生存下去。
TURNAROUND 畫廊,2010年10月創立,是一間位於日本宮城縣仙台市的當代藝術畫廊。TURNAROUND 積極展出各種社會參與藝術作品,其中包括以宮城為創作背景的藝術家,以及來自日本各地和外國藝術家等。TURNAROUND 畫廊同時也經營「仙台藝術舍/creek」(Sendai Geijutsu-Gakusha)及「開墾工作室」(Studio Kaikon [KASS])。
總監 關本欣哉|
關本欣哉,1975 年出生於宮城縣仙台市,畢業於東京藝術大學,目前為當代藝術空間「TURNAROUND 畫廊」、「仙台藝術舍/creek」(Sendai Geijutsu-Gakusha)及「開墾工作室」(Studio Kaikon [KASS])的總監,同時也是一名藝術家及噪音音樂DJ團體APE TOPE的一員。
協力單位:Kotoba 事務所 海莉葛文
2019 國際交流展| Gallery TURNAROUND
2019.06.14 – 07.06
開幕|06.14 (五) 17:00-19:00
開幕表演|06.14 (五) 18:00
參展藝術家|APE TOPE(DJ:中里廣太/ 關本欣哉)、大槻英世、門馬美喜、青野文昭、瀨尾夏美、尾崎森平、佐々瞬、TANOTAIGA

APE TOPE,2014年組成,以噪音音樂及現場錄音進行即興演出。他們由獨立音樂廠牌Neo Noisism Organizers 所代理。

1975 出生於宮城縣
1988 畢業於東京造型美術系

1981 出生於日本福島縣相馬市
2005 東京造型大學畢業
2006 留學於中國美術學院書法系 / 中國杭州
2006 留學於中央美術學院山水系 / 中國北京
2007 於中國旅遊期間創作
2011 東日本大地震後,每月往返東京、相馬,並隨著四季的變化,觀察地震災後的重建,並將此轉換成繪畫。

1968 出生於日本宮城縣

1988 年出生於東京,現居於宮城縣,東京藝術大學大學院美術研究科畢業。她以訪問當地人及地景錄音進行繪畫與文字的創作。自 2012 年起,她與影像藝術家小森はるか(Haruka Komori)一起搬到岩手縣的陸前高田市,在那完成許多富含創意及具互動性的作品。同時,也是一家社團法人協會NOOK的創辦人,自2015年起與當地建立合作關係。

1987 出生於日本宮城縣仙台市
2010 畢業於岩手大学

1986 出生於日本宮城縣
2009 東京造型大學 美術系繪畫組畢業

Tanotaiga 出生於東京,在仙台長大,東京造型大學雕塑系學士畢業,擁有東北藝術工科大學雕塑系碩士學位。他的雕塑作品、影像、表演等作品藉由誇大符號及媒介特性去諷刺社會制度與規則,曾舉辦及參與過多次個展及聯展。
About Exhibition|
In Miyagi Art Singularity, Gallery TURNAROUND showcases the singular quality of artists connected to Miyagi Prefecture in Tohoku. We witnessed confusion in society in the aftermath of The Great East Japan Earthquake. When we live under a fragile system which may collapse during such events, we must not lose touch with our identities. We believe that we can survive in this era by discovering and demonstrating our own singularity.We are grateful for the opportunity to have this Exchange Exhibition and hope to share an expression of our situation with the people of Taiwan.
Gallery TURNAROUND, established in October 2010, is a contemporary art gallery located in Sendai City in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. Gallery TURNAROUND actively exhibits various kinds of socially-engaged art from talented artists connected to the Miyagi scene, from artists around Japan, and from artists overseas. Gallery TURNAROUND also manages the art school Sendai Geijutsu-sha / creek and the creative studio Studio Kaikon [KASS].
Director: Kinya Sekimoto|
Kinya Sekimoto was born in 1975 in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture. He graduated from the Tokyo School of Arts (TSA). He is the director of the contemporary art space Gallery TURNAROUND, the art school Sendai Geijutsu-sha / creek and the creative studio Studio Kaikon [KASS]. He is also an artist and performer in the noise DJ unit, APE TOPE.
Cooperation: Kotoba Office / Hayley Gauvin
Miyagi Art Singularity
Exchange Exhibition 2019|Gallery TURNAROUND
2019.06.14 – 07.06
Dates|2019.06.14 (Fri.) – 07.06 (Sat.)
Opening|2019.06.14 (Fri.) 17:00-19:00
Opening live show|2019.06.14 (Fri.) 18:00
Performing Artists|APE TOPE
Artists|APE TOPE(DJ:Kota Nakasato/ Kinya Sekimoto、Hideyo Ohtsuki、Miki Momma、Fumiaki Aono、Natsumi Seo、Shinpey Ozaki、Shun Sasa、TANOTAIGA
About Artists|

APE TOPE, formed in 2014, perform improvised sets using a combination of noise and field recordings. They are represented by the label Neo Noisism Organizers.

1975 Born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
1998 B.F.A., Painting, Tokyo Zokei University, Japan

1981 Born in Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan
2005 BFA, Painting Tokyo Zokei University, Japan
2006 Studied at The China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
2006 Studied at The China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China
2007 Made works of art while traveling around mainland China. Returned to Japan.
2011 After the Great East Japan Earthquake the artist went back and forth between Tokyo and Soma every month. She observed how post-disaster reconstruction and the four seasons changed the landscape and converted the changes to paintings.

1968 Born in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan

1988 born in Tokyo, Lives and works in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
She graduated from Tokyo University of Arts [Graduate School of Fine Arts].
She creates paintings and writings based on interviews with local people and field recordings of landscapes.

1987 Born in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
2010 Graduated from Iwate University, Japan

1986 Born in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan
2009 Graduated from Tokyo Zokei University, Japan

Tanotaiga was Born in Tokyo and raised in Sendai. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the Department of Sculpture at Tokyo Zokei University and a master’s degree in Sculpture from Tohoku University of Art and Design.
His works of sculpture, video, performance and so on satirize social institutions and rules though exaggeration of symbols and the mediums’ characteristics.Holds numerous solo exhibitions and group exhibitions.