6月16日 ~ 8月4日
有別於科技史的進步觀,也不同於藝術史的風格分析,針對家電的定義、分類、命名與編年之外,與藝術家的關係,先是家電的使用者與消費者,家電才有機會是藝術家數位生活經驗的重要「啟蒙者」,家電做為思考數位經驗的起點,也才能是本展在思考人與日常關係的立論基礎;終身保固也必須在使用者與消費者的「參與」之後,才能衍生出關於身體的時空想像;當保固的概念冠上「終身」一詞的時候,彷彿是愛情非要加上一個一萬年的期限,而終身保固, 更是與成住壞空唱反調似的,賦予物件更多人為的「祝福」與「期許」,合理化的「欲望」,讓販賣「未來」成為一個公開的秘密,與屢試不爽的理由—賣家/數位科技永遠忘記當初的信誓旦旦,而買家/日常生活則是永遠學不會的,只選擇自己信的來相信。
無限可能的「未來」擁抱著「科技」一詞,「科技」和「發明」(創造新)與「創新」(新觀念的首度應用)緊密地的連結在一起。在談論科技時,重點總是放在研發、專利以及初期的使用,而「超越他們的時代」做為發明家的註腳,與藝術家之名有著近似的譬喻,當新的技術與論述不斷研發,對於「創新」的作者,對於創新思維的描述,始終一成不變的圍繞在原創、前瞻與未來。 另外,隨著原創、前瞻與未來的追求,對於現代性的批判,透過反思,集體的號召關懷著環境污染、貧富懸殊與人口流動的全球化問題;為此,藝術的可能性,既與上述兩種思維同行,卻往往是平行時空的存在,究竟在「發明」與「創新」之間,數位藝術的樣貌可以為何?
// 策展團隊 //
教學講師:臺灣科技大學 社會服務團
Lifetime Warranty – The Romance of Home Appliances
These familiar terms, “R&D, experiment, creation, incubation, and exchange,” seem to correspond with the spotlight of this exhibition—the home appliances. The word string is as if implying “promising one a future,” radiating a forward-looking, progressive, creative, and innovative atmosphere. In such a new century in which technology merges with humanity, home appliances are often not the first “Messiah” that come into mind. The correlation between home appliances and space, in addition, creates an image of “moving into a new home.” Looking back at the development of Digital Art Center, first launched in 2009, this year, through the exhibition, “Lifetime Warranty—The Romance of Home Appliances,” we hope to “move into the new home” again and start anew.
Unlike progressivism in the history of technology and stylistic analysis in art history, we not only list out the definition, classification, naming, and chronicle of home appliances, but also further discuss their relationship with artists. Home appliances must first be used and purchased before becoming the important “enlighteners” of the artists’ digital life experiences. As the basis of digital experiences, home appliances serve importantly as our argument foundation when we are exploring the connection between human and their daily lives for this exhibition. Likewise, lifetime warranty must be “utilized” by users and consumers before breeding the space-time imagination of body. We hence would like to figure out how digital art can be like in the context of “invention” and “innovation”?
Three sub-topics are included— “Undefeatable Classic,” “Real Gaze,” and “Immersive Exploration”— to explore practicality, observation, and body. Under the premise of “home appliances”, we try to inquire into their relationship with digital art. We also bring up malfunction, misuse, uselessness, loss of focus, loss of control, even inconvenience, and other phenomena that should normally be eliminated but remain unneglectable in the course of “invention” and “innovation.” Lifetime warranty is the most primary digital concept when suspecting the above phenomena. Now, at the time of policy change, it is crucial that we rethink the cultural policy and the development of digital art in Taiwan.