Oyu Art Gallery

Oyu Art Gallery

坐落于安靜的住宅區域,Oyu 主要收藏當代哈薩克藝術家的作品,另外也有少部分活躍於蘇聯時期的當地藝術家作品;亦出版雜誌,主題多元,涵蓋生活、旅遊等。





Oyu is located within a quiet residential block on Satpaev and is home to a diverse collection of mainly contemporary works from Kazakhstani artists. However, those with a particular interest in Soviet art will sometimes find available pieces by notable local artists who were active during that period, including Eugene Sidorkin, Gulfairus Ismailov and Abylkhan Kasteev; the revered artist the State Art Gallery is named in honour of.

原文出自 Oyu Art Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Oyu Art Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.