國際知名攝影雜誌 GUP 首次來台,於8月26日起於 VT 非常
‘New Dutch Photography Talent’ is an annual catalog established by GUP, an international magazine on photography based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Since 2012, 100 emerging photographers who are within the first five years of their career are presented in these catalogs. Most of them are Dutch by origin, but some non-natives are also included when they have completed their studies at one of the many art academies or photography schools in The Netherlands.
來台的攝影作品來自 Eva Roovers、Iris van Gelder、Justine Tjallinks、Marike Groeneveld、Rutger Prins、Sander van der Bij、Lonneke van der Palen、Lizette Schaap 8 位歷年獲選荷蘭新秀的攝影師作品,其中更包括東京國際
For this exhibition, Erik Vroons (editor-at-large for GUP Magazine) has selected 8 outstanding New Dutch Photography Talents: Iris van Gelder, Marijke Groeneveld, Eva Roovers, Lonneke van der Palen, Rutger Prins, Lizette Schaap, Justine Tjallinks, Sander van der Bij.
除了一系列以荷蘭攝影藝術為主題的活動外,VT 更爭取到
All these emerging photographers have established, in an early stage of their career, a distinctive and distinquished style of working with the medium of photography. More than merely pushing the button and thus ‘recording’ what is to be seen, they all have a tendency to intermediate and to compose their own, unique way of looking at the world.
GUP 源自攝影蓬勃發展的荷蘭,雜誌專門刊載攝影相關的
‘Highlights: New Dutch Photography Talent 2012-2017’ at VT Artsalon gives a comprehensive sample of the various directions in which the medium of photography is moving in The Netherlands: from portraiture to landscape, and from installations to collages, all the works on display are a clear expression of the autonomous approach of each of these young visual artists.
展期 Duration|2017.08.26~09.23
開幕茶會 Opening|2017/08/26 (六) 15:00 -19:00 (當日提早休館)
策展人 Curator|Erik Vroons
藝術家 Artists|Eva Roovers, Iris van Gelder, Justine Tjallinks, Marike Groeneveld, Rutger Prins, Sander van der Bij, Lonneke van der Palen、Lizette Schaap
展覽地點 Location|VT ARTSALON (台北市新生北路三段56巷17號B1)