

Jodori Khiang is a community-engaged project that aims at revitalizing the Jodori District in Taipei City through art. Facilitating cultural activities in everyday living spaces is a way in which social responsibility of the arts can be practiced.


The word “Khiang” is derived from the sound of clinking glasses. It references the activities within the many izakaya bars in Jodori, and hearkens to the diverse cultures formed from a series of political and social transformations in the area. The Jodori District was established during the Japanese Colonization Period as a high-end residential area for the elites. Following the end of World War II and consequently the conclusion of Japanese rule in Taiwan, Jodori became a bustling shopping district housing a variety of stores catering to the remaining Japanese businesses in Taiwan. The district slowly declined, however, due to political and economic instabilities. Unique eateries, entertainment parlors, and brothels were the main industries in the area. Over the years, the government has recognized the importance of activating disused public spaces with artistic activities, conceiving sites such as Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei and Huashan 1914 Creative Park. With the support of current cultural policies, individual and business initiatives are transforming spaces hidden in city corners into galleries, creative shops, exhibition and performance spaces, and independent bookstores, etc.


Taipei Artist Village (TAV) is the first artist residency founded by the government in Taiwan. As an effort to revitalize vacant urban spaces, Department of Cultural Affairs of the Taipei City Government transformed the site on No. 7, Beiping East Road in the Administrative District into a work-and-living space for artists in 2002. The residency is situated against the Jodori District near Zhongshan North Road and Linsen North Road. Through Jodori Khiang, TAV intends to utilize its wealth of cultural resources to connect stretches of living spaces within and near the Jodori area.


There is no predetermined theme for collaboration amongst different shops, sites, public spaces, and artists. This openness reflects the multiplicity of the area’s cultures, shaped by various historical, economic, and social policies over the years. Jodori Khiang celebrates the diverse cultures intersecting and evolving in the area. As one of the few government founded initiatives near Jodori, TAV strives to provide disused public spaces with new cultural meaning via the arts. The spirit of freedom and timelessness inherent in art can withstand the shift of policies and politics. While transformation brought by different eras can alter ways of living as well as communities’ courses of development, the productivity and importance of art do not change over time. This sense of transcendence can soothe and inspire people, and is the incentive that draws so many Jodori Khiang collaborators together.

文text|李依樺Lee I-Hua


地點Venue|台北國際藝術村-寶藏巖 Taipei Artist Village-Treasure Hill&條通街區Jodori Area
藝術家Artists|游文富 YU Wen-Fu、陳擎耀 CHEN Ching-Yao、陳伯義 CHEN Po-I、陳飛豪 CHEN Fei-Hao、何景窗 HO Ching-Chwang、蔡潔莘 TSAI Chieh-Hsin、吳芊頤 WU Chien-Yi、約瑟夫・塔斯納迪 Joseph TASNADI、伊蓮娜・拉德利 Elena REDAELLI、山田哲平 Teppei YAMADA、閃星草 Ado ra ble
開幕系列活動Opening Series Events|忘憂鏘一夏 Opening Party
地點Venue|台北國際藝術村-寶藏巖 Taipei Artist Village-Treasure Hill、幽竹小院Bamboo Yard

指導單位Supervisor|文化部臺北市政府 Taipei City Hall
主辦單位Organizer|台北市文化局、台北市文化基金會Taipei Culture Foundation
策劃執行Executive|台北國際藝術村-寶藏巖 Taipei Artist Village-Treasure Hill
策劃協力Executive Partner|濕地 venue
#hashtag行銷指定贊助Appointed Partner|Memopresso
飲品指定贊助Appointed Partner|Wheelys Café 台灣
床墊指定贊助Appointed Partner|席夢思睡美人
贊助單位Sponsor|台灣大車隊 TaiwanTaxi 粉絲團、 春池玻璃 Spring Pool Glass
網站協力單位Website Partner|FlyingV
協力單位Partner|走路草農/藝團 Walking Grass Agriculture五木條通商圈發展協會台北當代藝術館 MOCA Taipei小日子La Vie 設計美學站今藝術 ARTCO藝術家雜誌社The Big Issue Taiwan
場地協力Venue Partner|TAV Cafe 藝術村餐坊米力生活雜貨鋪/溫事DOUCHANGLEE、 柯達大飯店Midosuji 味道筋#梅門六條通照島時計店非畫廊 Beyond Gallery、 Idealform 理式意象設計

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