Va Space

Va Space
Va Space and Residency 於2014年創立於伊朗伊斯法罕,是由藝術家經營的替代空間。它與主流藝術圈有明確分界,旨在促進地方的藝術及文化,同時也培育創意思考及合作。透過舉辦進駐計畫、流動性的活動、演講、座談、工作坊及展覽,建構地方居民以及國內外藝術家、思想家、文化工作者之間的橋樑。Va將不同的人與領域聚集在一起,在城市發展的脈絡下推廣新的探討觀點和跨域的藝術實踐。Va也參與計畫,有時與他人合作,有時是自己制定及發起的計劃。
*2018 視盟「西亞南亞交流計畫」參與單位
Va Space and Residency is an independent artist-run space born in the city of Isfahan in 2014. Va is an alternative space, away from the mainstream, to empower the local community of art and culture. Fostering creative thinking and collaborations, Va connects the local community to local and international artists, thinkers and cultural practitioners through residency programs, ‘wandering’ events, talks, lectures, workshops and exhibitions. Va brings individuals and disciplines together to promote new discourses and cross artistic practices in the context of the city. Va also participates in projects, sometimes collaborates with others, sometimes defines and initiates its own projects.
* The Persian conjunction “va” is synonymous with “and” in English; it is a word that enables an infinite number of other words, concepts, or thoughts to be joined. By itself, “va” has no identity; it acquires identity by connecting things together, creating dialog and discourse.
原文出自 Va Space 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Va Space and has been translated and altered by AVAT.