Triumph Gallery

Triumph Gallery
Triumph Gallery 於2006年由 Emelyan Zakharov和Dmitry Khankin 創建。畫廊專注於當代藝術展覽,並主要與俄羅斯和國際藝術家合作。
Triumph Gallery 通過其 Launchpad 項目支持年輕藝術家。 Triumphoto 項目則一年三次展示攝影師的作品,季節性
專案 “Method” 匯集了同一媒材創作的藝術家或類似的藝術技巧。
Triumph Gallery was founded in 2006 by Emelyan Zakharov and Dmitry Khankin. The gallery focuses on contemporary art and works with major Russian and international artists. Among well-known Russian artists with whom the gallery works are AES+F, Alexander Brodsky, Vladimir Dubossarsky and Alexander Vinogradov, Alexei Beliayev-Guintovt and Recycle. In 2006 Triumph showed the work of one of today’s most famous artists, Damien Hirst, for the first time in Moscow. This was followed a year later by a solo show by Jake and Dinos Chapman.
Triumph Gallery supports young artists through its Launchpad project. Project Triumphoto shows work by photographers three times a year and the seasonal project Method brings together artists working in the same medium or with similar artistic approaches.
原文出自 Triumph Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Triumph Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.