
Torun* 是在2012年於安卡拉誕生的空間,是藝術家、作家、學者和思想家齊聚一堂的地方。不同背景人們的相似性,來自想跳脫資本主義市場及政治壓力,進行思考與交流的需求。透過公開招募藝術家,日益蓬勃的 Torun 社群參與了計畫製作、展覽和建立交流。Torun 在集體和自發性維持的互動環境中不斷發展與演進。2018年,新的空間成形,聚焦在印刷品及其分發地點。並舉辦工作坊、講座、座談會、展覽和表演活動。這一新時期仍在不斷發展,並與聲音、音樂和文學領域新參與的人們一起演進。
*2019 視盟「西亞南亞交流計畫」參與單位
Torun* was born with the foundation of its space in Ankara in 2012. This space has become the roof where a community of artists, writers, academicians and thinkers got together. The need to think and exchange in an environment relatively distant to the obstacles of the capitalist market and rising political pressures was the similarity that gathered people from different backgrounds and practices. Reaching out new artists through open calls, the ascending community of Torun have become involved in its program making, exhibiting and cultivating the exchanges took place throughout its existence. Torun has evolved and is evolving with in this environment of interaction that is sustained collectively and voluntarily.In 2018, a new space was formed, with a focus on printed matters and their distribution. It organize workshops, lectures and talks, hosting exhibitions and performances. This new period is still ongoing and evolving with the newly participating individuals, especially from the disciplines of sound, music and literature.
*Torun (tr): Grandchild (en)
原文出自 Torun,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from Torun and has been translated and altered by AVAT.