

Torun* 是在2012年於安卡拉誕生的空間,是藝術家、作家、學者和思想家齊聚一堂的地方。不同背景人們的相似性,來自想跳脫資本主義市場及政治壓力,進行思考與交流的需求。透過公開招募藝術家,日益蓬勃的 Torun 社群參與了計畫製作、展覽和建立交流。Torun 在集體和自發性維持的互動環境中不斷發展與演進。2018年,新的空間成形,聚焦在印刷品及其分發地點。並舉辦工作坊、講座、座談會、展覽和表演活動。這一新時期仍在不斷發展,並與聲音、音樂和文學領域新參與的人們一起演進。



*2019 視盟「西亞南亞交流計畫」參與單位

Torun* was born with the foundation of its space in Ankara in 2012. This space has become the roof where a community of artists, writers, academicians and thinkers got together. The need to think and exchange in an environment relatively distant to the obstacles of the capitalist market and rising political pressures was the similarity that gathered people from different backgrounds and practices. Reaching out new artists through open calls, the ascending community of Torun have become involved in its program making, exhibiting and cultivating the exchanges took place throughout its existence. Torun has evolved and is evolving with in this environment of interaction that is sustained collectively and voluntarily.In 2018, a new space was formed, with a focus on printed matters and their distribution. It organize workshops, lectures and talks, hosting exhibitions and performances. This new period is still ongoing and evolving with the newly participating individuals, especially from the disciplines of sound, music and literature.

*Torun (tr): Grandchild (en)

原文出自 Torun,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from Torun and has been translated and altered by AVAT.


X-ist 在2004年成立,支持年輕和職涯中期的當代藝術家發展他們個人的創作版圖,也是第一個開放地接受年輕藝術家、並擔任他們職涯導師的土耳其藝廊。X-ist 廣泛參與各種具指標性的國際藝術展覽,並與多間國際美術館、藝廊等均有專案合作。


x-ist was established in 2004 as an art gallery to support both young and mid-career contemporary artists in their professional endeavors on universal ideas.
x-ist is the first Turkish gallery to embrace the mission of representing and mentoring young Turkish artists.
x-ist participates in leading international art fairs; regularly collaborates with international galleries, museums and institutions all around the world on various projects.

原文出自 X-ist 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of X-ist and has been translated and altered by AVAT.


Sanatorium 自從成立之初,便在國內和國際上舉辦了許多展覽。 後來演變成一個畫廊,有機會參加許多國內和國際展會,並舉辦許多策展組展覽,這些展覽也涉及畫廊本身所代表的藝術家。


Since the day it was founded as an initiative, SANATORIUM has carried out many exhibitions both at the national and international level. Evolving into a gallery later on, it has had the opportunity to participate in many national and international fairs, as well as hosting many curatorial group exhibitions which also involved artists the gallery itself represents.

原文出自 Sanatorium 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Sanatorium and has been translated and altered by AVAT.



SALT 是一間在土耳其首都安卡拉有多處營運點的非營利組織,研究當代藝術的發展並規劃展覽與各種相關專案,在現今文化的框架底下呈現當代社會的各種問題。期待能打破向伊斯坦堡聚集的文化風潮,SALT 積極與安卡拉的大學和其他非營利藝文組織合作,平衡土耳其文化資源並探索安卡拉的城市歷史,提供社會大眾豐富的文化收藏。


SALT will spread its Ankara-based research and programs, which began at SALT Ulus in April 2013, to different locations throughout the city. Exhibitions and public programs engaging with today’s urgencies will be presented within the existent cultural infrastructure, while research projects around Ankara’s multi-layered history will expand with collaborations. Addressing the imbalance of contemporary cultural activity across Turkey, SALT founded a base in the capital with the aim of stepping beyond the Istanbul-oriented agenda. In this new phase, SALT will broaden the scope and density of Ankara-wide collaborations with various initiatives, universities, and NGOs with the same aim.

Use of SALT Ulus as a venue has ended as of September; archival work and research on the city, as well as planning of programs and collaborations, will continue at SALT’s new office in Ankara.

SALT Galata is organized to enable a challenging, multi-layered program that includes SALT Research, which offers public access to thousands of print and digital resources; a 218-capacity Auditorium; Ottoman Bank Museum spreading throughout the floors with digital presentations; Office of Useful Art that focuses on expanding the potential of co-learning among the institution and the users; Workshops and exhibition spaces; as well as Neolokal and Robinson Crusoe 389.

原文出自 SALT RESEARCH 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of SALT RESEARCH and has been translated and altered by AVAT.

Gama Gallery

Gama Gallery 由 ŞuleClaireAltıntaş 於2009年成立,旨在匯集各種形式的藝術:繪畫、多媒體藝術、概念藝術和表演藝術等。Gama與眾多歐洲、北美和土耳其藝術家合作,為這些新興藝術家創造機會。 此外,Gama 透過在伊斯坦堡展出來自北美和歐洲的藝術家,為伊斯坦堡當代藝術帶來積極影響,也創造了藝術理念和文化的交流。


Gama Gallery was founded in 2009 by Şule Claire Altıntaş. The gallery aims to bring together various forms of artistic expression and this culminates in frequent exhibitions spanning the disciplines of painting, multimedia art, conceptual art and performance.
Gama’s roster is a mixture of established and emerging European, North American, and Turkish artists. It aims to create opportunities and pave the way for these emerging artists in Turkey. Furthermore, Gama aims to contribute to the Turkish contemporary art scene by exhibiting artists from North America and Europe in Istanbul. This not only brings a positive element to the different approaches to contemporary art in Istanbul, but also creates an exchange of artistic ideas and cultural nuances.
With its focus being its contributions to the Turkish contemporary art scene, Gama further aims to bring this idea of artistic exchange to an international level.

原文出自 Gama Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Gama Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.


Galerist 於2001年成立於伊斯坦堡,是土耳其領先的當代藝術畫廊之一,培養傑出的土耳其當代藝術家,並將他們的作品介紹給全球觀眾,同時將一些最好和最具挑戰性的國際當代藝術帶到伊斯坦堡。 為了支持土耳其不斷發展的當代藝術世,自2006年以來,Galerist 出版了國內領先的藝術雜誌之一 Art Unlimited。 畫廊繼續追求創造性,平衡新興與既有的國內和國際藝術家 – 以持續展示和支持當代優秀視覺藝術實踐為目標。


Founded in 2001 in Istanbul, Galerist is one of the leading contemporary art galleries in Turkey. Since then the gallery has established a reputation for nurturing the careers of outstanding Turkish contemporary artists and introducing their work to a global audience whilst simultaneously bringing some of the best and most challenging international, contemporary art to Istanbul. With a view to supporting Turkey’s growing contemporary art world Galerist has, since 2006, published Art Unlimited, one of country’s leading art magazines. The gallery continues to pursue a creative direction that that balances the emerging and the established and national and international artists – with the constant aim of presenting and supporting outstanding contemporary visual art practices.

原文出自 Galerist 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Galerist and has been translated and altered by AVAT.

Ekavart Gallery

EKAV /教育文化和研究基金會於1991年11月23日開始運作,旨在將藝術帶入更廣泛的領域,並支持未來的年輕藝術家。
Ekavart Gallery 是EKAV下的一家非營利性機構。 該機構以捐款為基礎進行營運,透過各種活動所得的收入,都作為受藝術教育的學生的獎學金,以支持未來的藝術家。其畫廊位於麗思卡爾頓酒店(Ritz Carlton Hotel)下的Süzer廣場。


EKAV / Education, Culture and Research Foundation has started its operations on November 23rd, 1991, with the aim of carrying the concept of art to a wider area, and giving support to young artists of the future.

The Ekavart Gallery is a non-profit establishment under EKAV. The system work with donations. All the income earned through various activities is granted students as scholarships who are receiving art education, to support the artists of the future. Our Gallery is located in Süzer Plaza, under the Ritz Carlton Hotel.





原文出自 Ekavart Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Ekavart Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.

CerModern Arts Center

CerModern 的目標是在安卡拉服務廣大的藝術群體,並拉近藝術與群眾的距離,希望讓目標群眾與各種不同媒材的現代藝術相遇,在展覽中提供完整的說明與資訊,創造優質的觀展經驗。CerModern 是個有機的藝術空間,一直努力維持創新、主動、多功能的特質,並融合媒體與教育的機會讓當代藝術更廣為人知。


At CerModern Arts Center our aim is to serve many people as possible in Ankara and have close relations with the public. Our priority is make our visitors meet with modern art in all it’s mediums while the purpose of each exhibition is to be understandable for everyone as we aim to give our visitors a clear knowledge upon their visiting experience here. CerModern is a ‘living and breathing art space’ and we believe we are always renewed, innovative, versatile, dynamic and active. We take benefİt from modern opportunities of education and communication in order to get get the public and art works together.

原文出自 CerModern Arts Center 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of CerModern Arts Center and has been translated and altered by AVAT.

ALAN İstanbul

ALAN İstanbul 成立的宗旨是鼓勵當代藝術在現代環境中獨立且創新的發展。藉由提供空間、社會與財務上的資源,將國際性的當代藝術帶到伊斯坦堡,並將伊斯坦堡的當代藝術發揚至國際。ALAN Istanbul 不只是一間畫廊,更是一個獨立且免費的藝術空間,除了各種國內外視覺藝術家的展覽之外,也提供場地予表演藝術、電影放映等,期望成為促進社會互動的平台。


The main objective of ALAN İstanbul is to contribute the production of contemporary art, which is independent and innovative. It is aimed to trigger spatial, social and financial elements for the art. ALAN İstanbul is founded to take place within the contemporary art worldwide, to bring contemporary art of the world to İstanbul and to take the production that made in İstanbul to the world.

ALAN İstanbul hosts both national and international exhibitions and projects of contemporary artists. ALAN İstanbul is a living venue with performance arts, video and movie shows, as well as plastic and visual art exhibitions. ALAN İstanbul is not only an art gallery, but also is a free and independent place for artistic activities. Within the scope of “Project Rooms” ALAN İstanbul also opens its doors to various expression tools of social interactions.

原文出自 ALAN İstanbul 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of ALAN İstanbul and has been translated and altered by AVAT.