Solyanka VPA

Solyanka VPA (video, performance & animation)
在1988年創立於一棟美麗的新古典主義建築中,Solyanka State Gallery 離克林姆林宮只有五分鐘,展覽一些俄羅斯古典藝術與私人收藏中的罕見藝術品,以及年輕當代藝術家的作品。Solyanka State Gallery 是由一群藝術家共同經營、專注於錄像、動畫與行為藝術作品的空間,並且是年度藝術展覽 PYRFYR 的舉辦者,擁有自己的行為藝術學校以及多元化的教育專案。
Founded in 1988 and located in a beautiful neoclassical building, the Solyanka State Gallery is just a five minute walk from the Kremlin. On display there are works by Russian classical artists, rare pieces from private collections and works by emerging young artists. Solyanka is an artist-run space that focuses on video, animation and performance art. The gallery is a host to the annual performance festival PYRFYR, has its own performance school and impressive educational projects.
原文出自 Solyanka VPA 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Solyanka VPA and has been translated and altered by AVAT.