Ekavart Gallery
EKAV /教育文化和研究基金會於1991年11月23日開始運作,旨在將藝術帶入更廣泛的領域,並支持未來的年輕藝術家。
Ekavart Gallery 是EKAV下的一家非營利性機構。 該機構以捐款為基礎進行營運,透過各種活動所得的收入,都作為受藝術教育的學生的獎學金,以支持未來的藝術家。其畫廊位於麗思卡爾頓酒店(Ritz Carlton Hotel)下的Süzer廣場。
EKAV / Education, Culture and Research Foundation has started its operations on November 23rd, 1991, with the aim of carrying the concept of art to a wider area, and giving support to young artists of the future.
The Ekavart Gallery is a non-profit establishment under EKAV. The system work with donations. All the income earned through various activities is granted students as scholarships who are receiving art education, to support the artists of the future. Our Gallery is located in Süzer Plaza, under the Ritz Carlton Hotel.
原文出自 Ekavart Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Ekavart Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.