ALAN İstanbul
ALAN İstanbul 成立的宗旨是鼓勵當代藝術在現代環境中獨立且創新的發展。藉由提供空間、社會與財務上的資源,將國際性的當代藝術帶到伊斯坦堡,並將伊斯坦堡的當代藝術發揚至國際。ALAN Istanbul 不只是一間畫廊,更是一個獨立且免費的藝術空間,除了各種國內外視覺藝術家的展覽之外,也提供場地予表演藝術、電影放映等,期望成為促進社會互動的平台。
The main objective of ALAN İstanbul is to contribute the production of contemporary art, which is independent and innovative. It is aimed to trigger spatial, social and financial elements for the art. ALAN İstanbul is founded to take place within the contemporary art worldwide, to bring contemporary art of the world to İstanbul and to take the production that made in İstanbul to the world.
ALAN İstanbul hosts both national and international exhibitions and projects of contemporary artists. ALAN İstanbul is a living venue with performance arts, video and movie shows, as well as plastic and visual art exhibitions. ALAN İstanbul is not only an art gallery, but also is a free and independent place for artistic activities. Within the scope of “Project Rooms” ALAN İstanbul also opens its doors to various expression tools of social interactions.
原文出自 ALAN İstanbul 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of ALAN İstanbul and has been translated and altered by AVAT.