976 Art Gallery
成立於2012年,提供當代藝術家展覽平台,為 Mongolian Contemporary Art Support Association 所資助的藝廊,定期舉辦展覽,致力於成為年輕藝術人才的“孵育所”,以因應大眾對當代藝術不斷成長的興趣,同時舉辦文化藝術課程,期待對城市文化有所貢獻。
976 Art Gallery was established in 2012 to introduce and support contemporary artists of Mongolia. Since its establishment, the popularity of the gallery has been growing rapidly, attracting intellectuals as well as the cool young crowd with periodically changing exhibitions, experimental performances and open discussions. Gallery became an “art incubator” like space for both artists and the audience, offering different artistic expressions to the public, making fundamental contributions to the city life.
原文出自 976 Art Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of 976 Art Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.