1 Shanthi Road
趨向為藝術社群提供空間給小型會議、裝置、表演藝術、放映、聚會,在其中建立社群網,致力於連結推廣視覺藝術的機構以及團體。由非營利團體 VAC (Visual Art Collective) 營運,致力於推動最前端的藝術實踐,並且自2003年以來提供駐村計劃讓不同國家的藝術家參與。

1 Shanthi Road 至今成立十五年了!我們在這充滿活力的十五年中持續創新突破、培育新舊人才,觸發有意義的視覺藝術參與。我們與德里的夥伴 Khoj 共同邀請並展出來自巴基斯坦、尼泊爾、孟加拉、斯里蘭卡藝術家的作品;展示藏族文化的流亡;Sethusamudram 計畫則讓印度、斯里蘭卡藝術家持續合作多年;我們為曾負責班加羅爾綠化工作的德國園藝學家 GH Krumbiegel 出版精美的書籍;在班加羅爾與卡納塔克邦為在農村生長且貧困的兒童舉辦藝術工作坊;每月舉辦數千人參加的盛大講座,邀請知名藝術家、歷史學者及理論家來演講;我們也放映古怪有趣的電影,並邀請導演進行座談;我們策劃展出來自世界各大洲(幾乎每個國家)藝術家的作品。
*2019 視盟「西亞南亞交流計畫」參與單位
1Shanthiroad, Bengaluru, is an art space founded by Suresh Jayaram that nurtures creativity and cutting edge art practice, situated in the centre of the city. The Studio/Gallery at 1Shanthiroad provides space for slide lectures, small conferences, installations, performances, screenings and informal gatherings. It is administered by a not- for- profit trust VAC –Visual Art Collective. Since its inception in 2003 1Shanthiroad has grown to house artists from diverse countries in its residency programmes.
1 Shanthi Road is fifteen years old! Fifteen vibrant years during which time we’ve broken new ground, nurtured new and old talent, and triggered meaningful engagements with visual art.
We’ve hosted and shown artists from Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, with our partner Khoj in Delhi; we’ve had a show of Tibetan culture in exile; we run the Sethusamudram Project, an ongoing multi-year partnership between Indian and Sri Lankan artists; we’ve produced a beautiful book on GH Krumbiegel, the pioneering German horticulturist responsible for much of Bangalore’s greenery; we run art workshops with rural and underprivileged children in Bangalore and Karnataka; we’ve presented monthly talks by prominent artists, historians and theorists that thousands have attended; we’ve screened odd and unusually lovely films, often followed by discussions with the filmmakers; and we’ve hosted and shown artists from every continent (and virtually every country) in the world.
原文出自 1 Shanthi Road Studio/Gallery,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from 1 Shanthi Road Studio/Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.