Art as Social Interaction-Hong Kong / Taiwan Exchange


In recent years, artists and non-profit organizations in Taiwan and Hong Kong re-focused on the functions of art as a form of education and a way to enable viewers’re-examination of their outlooks on life. These communities also actively engage in the discussion of issues such as civil awareness, community life, and cultural capital by launching various creative projects, coalitions, and calls to action.

“Art as Social Interaction: Hong Kong / Taiwan Exchange” expects to connect the two places and deepen the understanding of the influences and meaning of this particular art form in the specific social context of each community through exhibitions, workshops, and dialogs in forums.



策展人 Curator|吳瑪悧 Wu Mali
協同策展人 Co-curators|張晴文 Chang Ching-Wen、梁美萍 Leung Mee Ping
主辦單位 Organizers|社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會AVATKaitak 啟德
協辦單位 Co-organizers|高雄市政府文化局國立高雄師範大學跨領域藝術研究所
合作單位 Partners|民間博物館計畫好多樣文化竹圍工作室 、馬祖東莒社區發展協會、高雄市關懷台籍老兵文化協會、婦女救援基金會MaD 創不同聲音掏腰包
贊助/資助單位 Sponsored/Subsidized|國藝會NCAF春之文化基金會、普瑜投資股份有限公司、香港藝術發展局
場地贊助 Venue Sponsor|1a space

參展藝術家/機構(香港)Artists/Organizations (HK)|CoLABMaD 創不同、文晶瑩 Man Ching Ying, Phoebe、方韻芝Vangi Fong、民間博物館計畫、何國強+胡家偉+影行者 Ho Kwok Keung+Kelvin Wu+v-artivist、迷彩研究所(李曉華+張子軒+張蓉+陳穎斯+葉建邦+羅至傑+黎朗生)Scattered Camouflage (Li Xiao Hua+Cheung Tsz Hin+Cheung Yung+Chan Wing Sze+Yip Kin Bon+Lo Chi Kit+Sunday Lai)、活化廳繼續工作組&街坊 Woofertening group & Kai Fong、楊秀卓  Yeung Sau Churk、鄭炳鴻+啟德河綠廊社區教育計畫 Chang Ping Hung, Wallace+Kai Tak River Green Corridor Community Education Project、聲音掏腰包、簡梁以瑚 Liang Kan Yee Woo, Evelyna

參展藝術家/機構(台灣)Artists/Organizations (TW)|台灣國際勞工協會+陳素香 Susan Chen、弗耐‧瓦旦 Baunay Watan、吳耿禎 Jam Wu、阮金紅 Nguyen Kim Hong、周靈芝Julie Chou、呼提克團隊-拉馬默提司/奇古切拉古 HOOTIKOR- Lamamotis / ChekuChelagu、侯淑姿 Lulu Shur-tzy Hou、姚瑞中+失落社會檔案室、高雄市關懷台籍老兵文化協會 Colonized Warring Taiwan Society、黃博志 Huang Po-Chih、黑手那卡西工人樂隊、廖億美 Yi-Mei Liao +好多樣文化、劉國滄 Liu Kuo-Chang、澎葉生+蔡宛璇 Yannick Dauby+Wanshuen Tsai、蔣耀賢 Chang Yao Hsien/社團法人台灣金甘蔗影展協進會、吳瑪悧 Mali Wu+竹圍工作室、蘇育賢 Su Yu-Hsien、觀樹教育基金會


|與社會交往的藝術—香港台灣交流展 線上閱覽: