The Empty Quarter

The Empty Quarter
阿拉伯聯合大公國和中東地區第一間也是唯一一間專門從事藝術攝影、服務於迅速增加的藝術家和攝影愛好者會員的畫廊。該畫廊與年輕新興以及國際著名的攝影師合作,並於國際上發展該畫廊的理念。曾二度在“巴黎攝影展”展出;贏得寶馬巴黎攝影獎;與攝影師合作出版了許多書籍;舉辦 “Prix Pictet Earth” 世界巡迴展,參與藝術巴黎藝術博覽會。
Co-founded by Saudi Arabian Princess HRH Reem Al-Faisal and Emirati Safa Al-Hamed, The Empty Quarter is the first of its kind in the region: the one and only gallery in the UAE & Middle East devoted exclusively to fine art photography and serving a rapidly growing membership of artists and photo enthusiasts.
The gallery deals with young emerging and international renowned established photographers such as award-winning Steve McCurry, Bruno Barbey, Marc Riboud, and Al-Moutasim Al Maskery, among others.
We develop internationally our concept being represented at “Paris Photo” twice. We won the BMW Paris Photo Award (2009) and published a number of books including “Oman 1971” in collaboration with Magnum photographer Bruno Barbey. The gallery also hosted the “Prix Pictet Earth” world tour (2009), Art Paris Art Fair among the 10 best galleries (2013).
原文出自 The Empty Quarter 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of The Empty Quarter and has been translated and altered by AVAT.