Elahe Gallery
總監 Elahe Djavaheri 女士曾創作繪畫多年,她認為伊朗藝術家在國際間的知名度遠不及理想,以兩點作為營運藝廊的方針:
1. 介紹專業伊朗畫家的作品,與他們對現代及當代藝術的熱情
2. 介紹未來伊朗原創藝術界的新銳及業餘愛好者
Mrs. Elahe Djavaheri, director of Elahe Gallery who herself has been painting for many years believes that Iranian artists are not well recognized by art lovers from other countries, so she started her work based on two important facts:
1. Introducing professional painters of her country, their work of art and their enthusiasm for combining modern and contemporary art.
2. Introducing new comers and amateurs who will build the next generation of Iranian Original art.
原文出自 Elahe Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Elahe Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.