Red ger creative space

Red ger creative space
Red ger creative space 前身為 Red ger art gallery,成立於2003年,旨在支持蒙古藝術家在當地,提升藝術家的國際競爭力,促進創意合作。在過去的 16 年裡,Red ger creative space 與 250 位當地和國際藝術家合作,舉辦了超過 50 場繪畫、雕塑、攝影和媒體藝術展覽。
Red ger creative space 旨在通過與藝術家、個人和企業建立創新合作夥伴關係來組織展覽、研討會、培訓和電影放映等。
“Red Ger” creative space is the former “Red Ger” art gallery which was established in 2003, with the aim of supporting Mongolian artists locally and promoting international competitiveness of artists and growing creative collaboration.
Over the past 16 years, we have collaborated with 250 local and international artists and organized over 50 exhibitions of paintings, sculptures, photography and media arts. For instance, “Smoke of the Brain” joint exhibition of emerging artists; “Grass” exhibition by Sarantsatsralt.S., “From the Heart” and “Reincarnation” contemporary exhibitions by Munkhtsetseg.J., “Emptiness” exhibition by Dorjderem.D., “The Wings never spread” exhibition by Badral.Bu., “Wandering Shade” exhibition by Sukhburen.N., “People” exhibition and “No More” media exhibition against domestic violence by Davaanyam.D., “Mongolia +-40°C” by Rentsendorj.B. and “Bee Migration” by Munkhjargal.J. and so on.
“Red Ger” creative space is designed to organize exhibitions, workshops, training and film screenings and many more through developing innovative partnership with artists, individuals and businesses.
原文出自 Red Ger Art Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Red Ger Art Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.