
「97KG 飛毯」徐瑞謙個展







97KG 飛毯
2019.04.27​ – 06.01

地點|福利社 FreeS Art Space
開幕|2019.04.27 (六) 16:30
座談 |2019.05.04 (六)16:00
藝術家|Joan pomero



1994 年出生苗栗,目前創作於臺灣臺北。


About Exhibition|

Flying, after rising, cannot fathom clearly, cannot feel the weight clearly. After the strong strength, depart for a distance lightly. Slightly, partly. Opened, propped.

Providing multiple clues, exploring in each different point.
Transforming the perspective, and the cognitive of material.
It can be misunderstood, but not the puzzle has to be solved.

Keep distance.48 centimeters cutting, 35 centimeters multiplied 4 hammering. Squeezing the spring in a 2 millimeters’ gap.

Doing, I have been doing on the objects. I left but still connect with them. The moment departed from the ground.
Fluctuation, descent, pushing forward in different directions.Unwilling, anxious. Missing why.

Continue to touch the mass; therefore, there is the least bit of difference.

Close to the window,
touch the glass by fingers,
pick up the soft curtain.
When tilt constructs balance,
sign, facing.

Found the statue between actions, materials, spaces.
Summoning from patchwork.

Hsu, Jui Chien Solo Exhibition
2019.04.27​ – 06.01

Venue|FreeS Art Space
Opening|2019.04.27 (Sat.) 16:30
Discussion |2019.05.04 (Sat.) 16:00
Talking With|Joyce Hao
Artist|Joan pomero

About Artist|

Hsu, Jui-Chien

Born in Miaoli. Work in Taipei, Taiwan.

We feel the world with our bodies and senses. Only creation can make the answer to the curiosity of the materials after the impact and actions. The spirit of the materials itself and the influence between the circulation are directly intimacy. It seems like they are waking the unknown consciousness or exploring the ambiguous contradiction.

「一起 一起 慢慢走吧」張雅萍策展








一起 一起 慢慢走吧
張雅萍 策展
​2019.03.02​ – 04.06

地點|福利社 FreeS Art Space
開幕|2019.03.02 15:00

座談01|2019.03.09 15:00

座談02|2019.03.16 15:00


張雅萍出生於臺北,2004 年畢業於朝陽科技大學視覺傳達設計系,開始投入藝術創作。2007 年於臺中 20 號倉庫鐵道藝術村駐村,2008 年加入新樂園藝術空間迄今,2013 年畢業於臺北藝術大學美術系碩士。2016 年於日本金澤 KAPO 駐村。2017 年駐地創作於桃園龍潭。目前就讀交通大學應用藝術所博士班。主要創作為複合媒材及空間裝置,關注社會體制內的運作和對抗以及個人與生活環境內在的對話。









「微光生活設計室(Glimmer Life Design Studio)」前身「沒有工作室(non-studio)」成立於 2014 年,由李苡帆及張浩鉅共同創立。其初衷是運用所學主動(initiative)投入改造自身環境,且透過行動(action)觸發有趣且好玩的經驗。而「沒有」則是一種將自身放在「空白」的狀態,使許多可能性都可填上、畫上、寫上,也提醒著自己持續學習。

2018 年,正式改名立案-微光生活設計室。延續「沒有」的初衷及經驗,持續落實「友善、永續環境」的理念。並以「分享(share)」作為概念,環繞著「在地」、「自然」、「藝文」、「生活」、「農業」、「教育」等,推廣永續生活的價值與理念。希望能在這個混濁的環境之中微微地閃爍著,並有個安靜地的角落窩著,靜靜地觀察著這個社會,或是分享著自身的故事。微光生活設計室期許以自身的力量,循序漸進的扭轉現況的問題,從小地方/事情/行為開始改變我們的生活以及環境。

Curator’s Statement|

The most important element that molds a city’s appearance is the existence of a group of “people”.
Wherein, everyone in this group creates a living space, the place we call home.

The definition of “home” is the field in which our memory of life is written, including the familiar and unfamiliar people around us, the transformation of this land, both of which embody the temperature of the “home” in our memory.

When the “home” needs the addition of a progressive rhythm, it transforms into a series of numbers, laying the foundation of its value. When the “home” is hewn into a royal symbol, it becomes an image of a distant dream.

When the point of connection that provides the dialog between the “home” and the history of land is removed, it transforms into a progressive, waiting-to-be-auctioned, flat parking lot. Are we willing to accept it?

When the memory of the “home” and the land is about to disappear into the flat, speedy-beyond-control, time and space, we create a method to preserve it. But, what have we retained in that preservation?

When we attempt to use a community disturbance that embodies artistic creation, artistic action and artistic methods to actively voice our rights, what are we trying to gain at the intersection of the tracks that are out of control and chaotic? Do we slow down, or stop? Or, do we continue at uncontrollable speed? We hope that from what we observed and learned in Taiyuan in recent years, we may capture a little reflection and practice in the gaps of the transformations of the city and the houses that may disappear in the blink of an eye.

Let’s Walk Together, Slowly!
Curator|Ya-Ping Chang
​2019.03.02​ – 04.06

Venue|FreeS Art Space
Opening|2019.03.02 15:00

Discussion 01|2019.03.09 15:00
Talking With|Hai-Ming Huang

Discussion 02|2019.03.16 15:00
Talking With|Zhen-You Lian
Artists|Yu-Jen Chien、Yi-Hsun Tsai、Gilmmer Life Design Studio: Yll-Farn Lee、Hao-Chu Chang


Ya-Ping Chang

Ya-ping Chang was born in Taipei. She graduated from the Department of Visual Communication Design, Chaoyang University of Technology and began a career in artistic creations. In 2007, she was the artist in resident for Art Stock 20 in Taichung. In 2008, she joined Shin Len Yuan Art Space, where she is still a member today. She graduated with a Master’s Degree in Fine Arts from the Taipei National University of the Arts. In 2016, she was the artist in resident for Kapo (kanazawa art port) in Japan. In 2017, she was the artist in residentr in TaoyuanIn Longtan.She is currently studying for a doctoral degree at the Institute of Applied Arts, National Chiao Tung University.

The majority of her creative works are mixed media and installations that focus on the inherit operation and conflicts within the social structures and the inner dialogs between a person and the living environment.

About Artists|

Yu-Jen Chien

Yu-Jen Chien’s creation focuses on the interaction between his own state of existence and the changing landscape. Using multimedia, he shows the landscape variations caused by Taiwan’s modernization. In ”Workers Holding Placards—a Portrait Project”, the artist introduces us to labor’s position and and re-acquaints us with the working conditions of real estate employees by using sketched portraits of workers holding placards, and endowing these workers the right to speak in “Silence”. In “Kodama”, the artist explores the works of Gobara Koto, who lived in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial era, and copied and enlarged Koto’s “Taiwanese Landscape Screen” using minerals mixed with cement as the media. Utilizing the many attributes of a “Screen”: inside and outside division, return to nature, and spatial decoration, while juxtaposing the economic value of the material,“Cement”, and its significance in architectural space after the interpretation of modernization, the artist proposes a dialog between the decorative function of “Screen” (“Kodama”) and our intention to return to nature, calling attention to the conflict between nature and modernization.

Yi-Hsun Tsai

The living situation, as constructed in contemporary society, is filled with the structural chain of capital, power and media. People immersed in their imagination of the city with a larger framework and entangled in the beautiful template of images, words and data.

In his process of creation, the artist quantifies the popular images and objects that we see everyday, through mass collection or assemblage, to highlight the tension, mirrored by the tangible reality, between self and others. The appearance of survival changes its quality in situational living, and highlights the return to authenticity in the now moment of a mundane existence.
The artist chooses to explore the relationship between self and the society at the edge of a city. In a metropolitan scenario, where closure and penetration converge, we are invited to intuitively observe objects in development, their changes and the outpouring realism.

Glimmer Life Design Studio: YII-Farn Lee; Hao-Chu Chang

The establishment of Non-Studio, by Yi-Fan Li and Hao-Chu Chang in 2014, predated that of the Glimmer Life Design Studio. The original intention of the founders was to take the initiative and apply what they learned into transforming their environment, and to trigger interesting and fun experiences through action. While, “Non” is the idea of putting oneself in a “blank” state, so that many possibilities can be filled in, drawn on and written down, to remind us that we should not stop learning.

In 2018, Non-Studio was officially renamed and registered as Glimmer Life Design Studio. It continues with the original concept and experience of “Non”, and maintains the implementation of a “Friendly and Sustainable Environment” ideal. With “Sharing” as the core ideal, the Studio shall promote the value and the ideal of sustainable living that encompasses “localization”, “nature”, “art”, “living”, “agriculture” and “education.” The founders hope that the studio may spark lightly in this turbid environment, and may stay in a quiet corner to observe imperturbably this society, while sharing their own stories. They expect that by applying their own efforts, they can gradually reverse the current situation, thus changing our lives and the environment by starting from a small place/thing/behavior.






魏柏任 個展
2019.01.05 – 02.02

地點|福利社 FreeS Art Space
開幕|2019.01.05 16:00

座談|2019.01.19 19:00-20:00
地點|非常廟藝文空間 VT Artsalon




2016 – 迄今 國立臺北藝術大學美術創作研究所 碩士
2012 – 2016 國立臺北藝術大學美術系 學士


2017 TCAA線上策展


Nowhere we meet 

The title of this exhibition is inspired by the utopia named ”Wu-He-You-Zhi-Xiang” in Zhuangzi, Free and Easy Wandering, which is depicted as a place with an endless extension of empty, desolate plains. However, I prefer the literal, yet profound meaning of the Chinese words ” Wu-He-You-Zhi-Xiang”, which not only implies a connection with an ideal realm, but also reflects the state that each of the works here point to, regardless of their focus on inward or outward displacement. The artists’ reflections with differing meanings ultimately converge on the ”homeland,” precisely where we are located right now, even if ambiguousness is the most fitting definition of the here and now. On the other hand, ”leaving” and ”returning,” under the feelings of anxiety, distance, and various conflicting emotions, become ceaseless acts of re-imagination and searches for belonging. Here, I’m reminded of the words from a chat with an artist: ”Sometimes, when we are in the midst of a relation, it is almost unnoticeable. Only when one withdraws from the surrounding environment do our feelings towards this relation become clearer and stronger.”

策展人 Curator:
蔡秉儒 TSAI, Ping-Ju

藝術家 Artists:
李奎壁 LI, Kuei-Pi
吳思嶔 WU, Sih-Chin
陳以軒 CHEN, I-Hsuen



TSAI, Ping-Ju
Born in 1993. From Taiwan, Tainan.

Now majoring in MFA, Department of Art and Design, National Taipei University of Education. I have several part time jobs in the corners of this big city, just to make a living. In my free time, I love going to the exhibitions, or wandering on streets and alleys in Taipei. Famous for being late for class, classmates usually call me “the king of absence.”

My life is like a fake hipster, doing things like reading, writing, or taking photos all day, but none of them l master. Sometimes being emotional, I post something boring on facebook, then just go to sleep. Daydreaming of being super rich one day, then retreat in this bustling city. I’ve run several exhibitions of my own, and nothing more worth mentioning.

展覽日期 Dates:2017.09-12
展覽地點 Places:Coming soon






地點|福利社 FreeS Art Space
地址|台北市中山區新生北路三段82號 B1

15:00-15:10 四城論壇歷年主題介紹
15:10-15:30 四城論壇「移動互連時代的城市文化發展」分享
15:30-16:00 四城論壇未來規畫與展望