由此清楚可見,這樣的生成品,並非拼貼,也不是裝貼,更不是模仿品。在某種程度的包容性當中其實是在屏除在外的,而為了能夠接收察覺各種不同情況下的(資訊接收/理解/傳達)正確性而犧牲了熟悉性的口語。在這裡精確性的形容此合作的作品可說是「在兩種不同的佈景(setting)中彼此互動」,所有可調節點(包括速度、高度、溫度、大小等)在怎樣的承載機器、裝置或軟體中可以被調整至得以操作啟動,然後被認知做為ㄧ個開幕活動 (佈景/場佈(setting),如同在某種場景或是物件如何在不同環境的種類下被置放,或是某個活動或事件發生的地點),像這樣的轉化,讓前者得以加入ㄧ起互動,也因為如此,而抵銷後者曾經加入或正在加入互動的情況。
FOGSTAND Gallery & Studio is pleased to announce Beholder, a two person exhibition including Glasgow-based artist Brandon Cramm (his first exhibition in Taiwan) and Taiwanese artist Jin-Da Lin. Macroing acts as the indented point toward which this exhibition begins to gather. A macro in computer science is a rule or pattern that specifies how certain input sequences are mapped to replacement output sequences, according to a defined procedure…….this is not collage, nor is it assemblage or pastiche. It is excommunicative to the degree in which inclusivity and colloquial familiarity are sacrificed for a perceived situational accuracy. An accuracy brought into play through the interplay between two types of settings, the thresholds of modulation (speed, height, or temperature, scale, etc) at which a machine, device or software can be adjusted to operate and the perceived opening (setting, as in the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or where an event takes place) that allows the former to come into play, and by so doing, cancels out the later ever having been so.
布蘭登∙葛蘭 (1986出生,美國) 目前生活及工作於蘇格蘭格拉斯哥市. 布蘭登於2013年畢業於格拉斯哥藝術學院藝術碩士。精選展覽及作品計劃如下: Self-Titled Group Show, Market Gallery (2016), The Grind, Voidoid Archive (2015), God Only Knows, The Tip (2015), Untitled, Sequences Festival (2015), Summer Vids, Sadie Halie Projects (2014). Select Publications and writing include: ‘Flavour Text Annotations’ commissioned by Transmission Gallery (2017), The Breadeaters, commissioned by Aniara Omann – Hybrid, Celine Gallery (2016), Let it Go, Gnommero (2015), Words Don’t Come Easy, Nylistasafnið (2014).
林仁達 (1983出生,高雄台灣)目前生活及工作於台灣。國立臺南藝術大學造形藝術研究所碩士畢。精選個/群展如下:《月台電影》,月台電影公寓,台北台灣(個展, 2014)。《打洞機》,中央研究院,台北/台灣(個展,2004)。《破碎的神聖》,台北當代藝術館,台北/台灣(群展,2017)。《繹域》,駁二倉庫,高雄/台灣(群展,2014)。《南國.國南,台越藝術家交流計畫》,齁空間,台南/台灣(群展,2012)。《TAIWANALE》,tamtamArt gallery,柏林/德國(群展,2011)。《里昂福爾摩沙台灣電影節》,6e CONTINENT,里昂/法國(群展,2010)。 《亞洲學生與年輕藝術家博覽會》,首爾火車站舊大樓,首爾/韓國(群展,2008)
About artists|
Brandon Cramm (b. American, 1986) currently lives in Glasgow, Scotland. Cramm has an MFA from Glasgow School of Art, 2013 and a BFA from The University of Wisconsin – Stout. Select exhibitions/projects include: Self-Titled Group Show, Market Gallery (2016), The Grind, Voidoid Archive (2015), God Only Knows, The Tip (2015), Untitled, Sequences Festival (2015), Summer Vids, Sadie Halie Projects (2014). Select Publications and writing include: ‘Flavour Text Annotations’ commissioned by Transmission Gallery (2017), The Breadeaters, commissioned by Aniara Omann – Hybrid, Celine Gallery (2016), Let it Go, Gnommero (2015), Words Don’t Come Easy, Nylistasafnið (2014).
The focus of his practice originates from a reflection on the role of the spectator and addressing a collective relationships to images and media. He is interested in how all objects, media, tools and social platforms have coded limits and bias toward certain types of actions, procedures, and content; all of which shape our versions of reality. Potentially limiting (if not for the ability to imagine other contexts and iterations), the ‘law of instrument’ warns, “If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” A foreseeable problem could be in the statement’s assumption of the observer’s ability to recognise the tool they are already so entangled with. An alternative statement might read, “If all you have is a nail, everything looks like a nail.” Or, even more deeply entangled, “If all a nail nails is a nail, nails nail like a nail.”
This entanglement is far less obvious when the act of mediation dissolves into the background of our user-experience. This might promote a greater attention toward the rhetoric and tools at hand, whether it be hammers or language. From the position of the spectator, a practice of recursive observation might brings into question, not only a world of performing objects, but also the subjectivity of the individual intertwined in it. Within his practice he employs an economic use of, otherwise, self-effacing design rhetoric: emphasising a gestural quality innate in production, in order to display and question the presence of an assimilating subjectivity.
Jin-Da Lin (b. Taiwanese, 1983) currently lives in Taiwan. Jin-Da has an MFA from the Tainan National University of The Arts of Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts. Select exhibitions/projects include: Platform Movie-Platform Movie apartment,Taipei/Taiwan (solo show, 2014), Perforator-Academia Sinica,Taipei/Taiwan (solo show, 2004), Shattered Sanctity-MOCA Taipei /Taiwan (group show, 2017), What We Are Mapping-The Pier-2 Art Center,Kaohsiung /Taiwan (group show, 2014), South country, South of Country-Hol gallery,Tainan/Taiwan (group show, 2012), TAIWANALE-tamtamArt gallery,Berlin/Germany (group show, 2011), Formose Cinema – Rencontre du film Taiwanais-6e CONTINENT,Lyon/French (group show, 2010), Asia Students and Young Artists Art Festival-Seoul Railway Station Old Building/ Korea (group show, 2008)
Jin-Da re-condenses “somewhere” of his deep memory through shooting video image of location and landscape that memory has been placed. In other words, the artist is not reproducing similarity between two locations by shifting spaces horizontally, but is constantly taking a new location at a fictional spot in past memories. This kind of fiction allows him to produce narratives in a trip recorded without end. Furthermore, these narratives can be reassembled to connect to some fragmented memories which are deliberated anew by the artist. Jin-Da is an artist of “depth-making”. From a mountain to a city and a harbor; from Taipei to Kaohsiung, he has faked the depth of memory field in between these locations.
參展藝術家Artist|布蘭登∙葛蘭Brandon Cramm、林仁達Jin-Da Lin
開幕Opening|2017.7.22 13:00
地點Venue|Fogstand Gallery & Studio
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