「2050」是尚未到來的未來時間,許多對於人類未來的預測以「2050」之年想像我們生活世界的改變及樣貌。這些尚未到來的時間及事物,距離我們的現在並不遙遠,它融合了我們過去所經歷的歷史,以及人類對於未來理想生活的目標及慾望,逐步繪製出朝往未來的可能藍圖。「2050,未來簡史」一展嘗試從人類物質文明的發展,討論未來世界,展覽邀請國內外共 50 多位參展藝術家,以預期及探討未來的角度,從當代藝術作品的觀點探討當今世界諸多的社會議題,作品類型豐富多元,充滿許多令人深思及啟發性的新穎創作。
「2050,未來簡史」是國立臺灣美術館首次和比利時皇家美術館合作的國際交流展覽,由策展人皮耶˙伊弗˙戴薩伊夫(Pierre-Yves Desaive)策畫,展覽的名稱及概念啟發自法國政治經濟學家雅克·阿塔利(Jacques Attali)2006 年出版的著作《未來簡史》,在《未來簡史》一書中,·阿塔利以已知的歷史和科學觀點為基礎,推測未來人類史的發展,講述未來50年內的國際情勢以及日常生活將發生的變化。由此作為出發點,本次在臺灣的展出,除了探討人類文明朝向未來世界所經歷的各種物質性和精神性的變化,包括從古到今人類的經濟活動、種種技術科技的演進,和文明發展與未來世界之間的關係。同時,針對台灣的地理和文化位置的特殊性,策展結構也重新組構,從唐代的經濟及東西文明交流與發展、大航海時代的地緣政治與帝國權力、冷戰後的亞洲經濟和政治變遷、乃至當今全球化時代的市場經濟與科技發展,來勾勒台灣與未來簡史展覽主軸之間的關係和對話。
展覽原先的版本在 2016 年分別在比利時布魯塞爾的皇家美術館及巴黎羅浮宮展過,這一次到臺灣展出,策展人奠基於原來展覽的策畫脈絡,從科技發展所改變的世界開始探討當今自然資源過度開發、過度消費、社會不平等、宗教戰爭等重要議題;展覽衍伸並拓展上述的架構,在台灣站的展出內容,更加深度地自歷史發展的角度重新審視在各種經濟活動、技術發展語境下的文明史、權力配置和意識型態的構成,進而,再次重看人類是如何不斷地面對一個不停演化的新未來,以及它所形塑而成的世界面貌。
About Exhibition|
2050 is a future point in time that has not yet arrived. Many projections of the future of humankind envision the changes and appearances of our lifeworld in the year 2050. These yet unarrived times and objects are not far from our present and combine the history we have once experienced with humankind’s goals and aspirations for an ideal future life, drawing a possible blueprint for the future. The exhibition “2050, A Brief History of the Future” aims to discuss the future world by looking at the development of human material civilization. The exhibition invites a total of more than fifty participating artists from Taiwan and abroad to adopt an angle of thinking about and probing the future from the point of view of contemporary works of art in exploring many of the social issues in today’s world. The works are rich and diverse, and filled with many thought-provoking and inspirational new creations.
This is the first international exchange exhibition to be co-organized by the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts and the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium. The exhibition is curated by Pierre-Yves Desaive, and its name and concept are inspired by A Brief History of the Future, published by French economist Jacques Attali. In A Brief History of the Future, Attali speculates on the future development of human history and describes the future international situation and changes in daily life based on known history and scientific viewpoints. Taking this as the starting point, the curator began to explore important topics such as the over-exploitation of natural resources, over-consumption, social inequality and religious wars in a world changed by the development of technology. He also expanded this curatorial framework to exhibit content in Taiwan, re-examining in greater depth all kinds of economic activity, the history of civilization in the context of technological developments, as well as the allocation of power and composition of ideologies. The exhibition outlines the relationship and dialogue between Taiwan and the exhibition’s main theme by showcasing East-West exchange and development during the Tang Dynasty, geopolitical and imperial power in the Age of Exploration, economic and political changes in Asia after the Cold War, as well as the market economy and technological development in the current era of globalization.
The original version of this exhibition was presented separately at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium in Brussels, and the Louvre in Paris in 2016. For this exhibition in Taiwan, the curator has stayed true to the original curatorial context, exploring important issues of contemporary overexploitation of natural resources, overconsumption, social inequality and religious wars in a world changed by technological development. The exhibition extends and expands upon the above-mentioned framework to display in Taiwan a deep reexamination of various economic activities from the perspective of historical developments, as well as of the allocation of power, the history of civilizations in the context of technological development, and the composition of ideologies. Then, how humankind is facing a constantly evolving new future is looked at once again, as is the appearance of the world we have shaped.
未來簡史 2050
“A Brief History Of The Future ” Exhibition
展期 Duration|2018.02.24-06.03
地點 Venue|國立臺灣美術館 101~102展覽室
地址 Adress|臺中市西區五權西路一段2號
活動專頁|Event Page