Artsawa 致力於將世界級別的當代藝術帶給全球和在地觀眾,舉辦一系列具有創新性的展覽、藝術教育專案、發行反映當代議題的出版品,以多元化的媒介呈現當代藝術的面貌,並培養社會大眾與當代藝術間的互動。該藝廊在2017年於科威特開設分館。
Artsawa is always dedicated to promoting world-class contemporary art to a global and regional audience. artsawa realizes its mission through hosting a series of innovative exhibitions, educational programs and publications reflecting current issues and practices.
Offering previously 10,000 sq. Ft of state-of-the-art space in the industrial zone of Dubai with a second smaller branch in DIFC , artsawa fostered interaction between art and the public across a wide range of media. In 2017, artsawa is opening another branch in Kuwait.
原文出自 ArtSawa 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Art Sawa and has been translated and altered by AVAT.