

Liang Gallery is pleased to present “Accomplishing a Forest,” a solo exhibition of new work created in Switzerland by Taiwanese artist Una Ursprung. The sceneries she painted in Switzerland do not refer to any particular locations. Some of these forests are near the place she resides, and some of them derive from the memories or impressions of forests seen before.

從法國、台灣到瑞士,藝術家經常式的移居豐富了她的創作形式,也對森林的探尋歷經了幾個不同的階段,她把這個過程寫成一種如詩般的民族誌,並自稱是土地盡頭的漫遊者。許常郁不是蒐集景點的遊客行旅,而是真正親身參與觀察,生活在他方,並變成他方居民,而心中一直保存著像韓波(Arthur Rimbaud,1854-1891)那種醉舟「Le Bateau Ivre」式的航行,一種交錯浪漫主義與象徵主義的形式表現。

From France, Taiwan to Switzerland, Ursprung’s frequent travels have enriched her artistic expressions and divided her exploration of the forests into different stages. The artist transforms this journey into a poetic ethnography by naming herself “the flâneur at the end of the earth.” She travels not to make a checklist of tourist attractions, but personally observe and experience the life of the faraway land until she becomes one of the locals. Her travels are hallucinatory and anesthetic Le Bateau Ivre, an expression blending the forms of Romanticism and Symbolism, as in Arthur Rimbaud’s (1854-1891) poems.


The artist enjoys a greater freedom to deal with media and techniques to study the spatial and visual experiences in her painting. Figurative painting techniques allow her to manage the space of landscape, and abstract lines allow her to represent the sense of air produced by the dual spaces more directly. In the Accomplishing a Forest series, abstract lines are combined with oil painting and spray painting. The combination of spray paint and oil paint draws a vivid contrast, creating a diverging visual effect. Spray-painted abstract lines and color blocks resemble secretive texts hovering over the surface of the oil painting, freezing a fleeting moment of floating bugs, leaves, light, and dust in a forest. However, in this case, the landscape in the oil painting and the spray-painted forest intensify and translate the visual tension of the images. We seem to follow the artist to walk into the real forest. The artist enters the forest, blends in with it, and sees the real forest which is energetic, active, and dynamic. The forest is no longer the reverse of civilization or the escape from one’s anxiety, but a natural essence.


The oil-paint strokes followed by the spray paint form a duet. To narrate and to describe, the spray paint uncovers the invisible message of the forest. Ursprung does not recognize spray paint as destructive, but a necessary step for a complete piece of art.


Artist Biography|

Born in Taipei in 1985, Una Ursprung (Hsu Chang-Yu) graduated from the Taipei National University of the Arts in 2007, and Ecole Européenne Supérieure d’Art de Bretagne site Quimper in France in 2011 (from which she received Diplôme National Supérieur d’Expression Plastique, the highest honor awarded by the National Arts Councils and Culture Agencies). Currently, she lives and works in Switzerland. Her works have been exhibited in Taipei, London, and Paris. Since 2016, Ursprung has been residing in Swiss countryside where she developed new methods of painting. She employs abstract lines to create a vivid contrast through the combination of oil painting and spray painting. The visual message conveyed through the landscape does not collapse with the spray painting process but is rather expressed from the inner instead of the outer intentions. Moreover, brushstrokes that carry the body and subliminal messages float across the surface, transforming and reconstructing the visual message.


展期Duration|2017.09.02 Sat. – 2017.10.01 Sun.
媒體預展Press Preview|2017.09.01 Fri. 3:00pm
開幕Opening|2017.09.02 Sat. 3:00pm
地點Venue|尊彩藝術中心 Liang Gallery

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