Mahal Art Space
Mahal Art Space 是個多元、開放,及實驗性的藝術空間。Mahal Art Space 構思、設計,與舉辦展覽、演講、聚會、試鏡、工作坊,及駐館,旨於提倡對當今社會、生活方式及歷史的批判性思考。此空間意在提供藝術家及民眾學習及發展之處。Mahal Art Space 提供藝術家自由思考及創作的空間與發展宣傳自己專業的機會,並致力成為一個讓觀眾發掘不同新故事的奧妙場所。
*2020-2021 視盟「全球災難共同體-我們如何因應、紓困與復甦?」參與單位;詳請可參考視盟專門建置、以推動國際交流項目為主的「Art On Air 藝術放送中」平台
*2021 視盟「西亞南亞交流計畫」參與單位
*2021 與視盟合作籌辦《What Dies Last: Mahal Art Space X AVAT》 跨國實體展,首次以雙向交流之形式更進一步合作;詳請可參考視盟專門建置、以推動國際交流項目為主的「Art On Air 藝術放送中」平台
Mahal Art Space is a multi-faceted, open, and experimental art space that conceives, designs, and hosts exhibitions, presentations, gatherings, screenings, workshops, and residencies, with the aim of promoting critical reflection on today’s society, lifestyle, and history. This space is intended as a place of learning and development for both artists and the audience. It offers artists a space for freedom of reflection and creation, as well as an opportunity to develop and promote their professional careers. For the audience, Mahal aims to be a committed space, from which to discover new narratives, alternative stories, and recondite places.
原文出自 Mahal Art Space,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from Mahal Art Space and has been translated and altered by AVAT.