Orfali Art Gallery
成立於1993年展出所有藝術流派與形式的作品。 Orfali 彙集了許多優秀的約旦、伊拉克和其他阿拉伯藝術家的傑作。提供藝術家、 評論家、詩人和音樂家會自由表達的機會。藝術中心也為兒童和成人提供繪畫、陶瓷、雕塑和圖形等科目的課程,開設學童夏令營,課程由約旦和伊拉克藝術家講授,培養青年對藝術的欣賞。Orfali 藝術中心認為, 藝術是通向更廣泛教育的窗口, 並經證實藝術能改善兒童的整體學業成就, 因此, 我們努力培養這種潛能, 並簡單地提供一種媒介, 讓人們可以享受創造力。
Established in 1993. Started as a family business by art collector Ina’am Orfali, the gallery displays works from all schools of art, exposing visitors to a broad range of paintings, sculptures and other forms of art. Selective in its choice of artists, Orfali brings together masterpieces from many fine Jordanian, Iraqi and other Arab artists. The gallery offers artists, critics, poets and musicians a wonderful opportunity to express themselves freely and exquisitely.
The Art Center offers customers classes in subjects such as drawing, ceramics, sculpture and graphics for both children and adults. In addition, the center opens a summer camp for children and teenagers. Lessons are taught by Jordanian and Iraqi artists, and students are exposed to an array of beautiful works, which all helps to foster an appreciation for the subject in addition to developing creative skills.With the belief that the arts are a gateway to a broader education, and that they have been shown to improve a child overall scholastic achievement, Orfali Art Center strives to nurture this potential and simply provide a medium by which people can indulge in their creativity.
原文出自 Orfali Art Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Orfali Art Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.