Siddhartha Art Gallery

Siddhartha Art Gallery
Sangeeta Thapa 和國際知名藝術家 Shashikala Tiwari 於1987年9月27日成立悉達多藝術畫廊,作為尼泊爾和國外藝術家的當代藝術空間和聚會點。 1997年,畫廊搬遷到宏偉的 Baber Mahal Revis。 悉達多藝術畫廊一直積極推廣尼泊爾當代藝術,並致力於將藝術領域的國際視野引進加德滿都社區。
Sangeeta Thapa and internationally recognized artist, Shashikala Tiwari, established Siddhartha Art Gallery on September the 27th, 1987 as a contemporary art space and meeting point for artists from Nepal and abroad. In 1997, the Gallery relocated to the magnificent Baber Mahal Revisited complex. The Siddhartha Art Gallery has been active in the promotion of contemporary Nepalese art and has strived to introduce international perspectives in art, to the Kathmandu community. Over the years artists from India, Pakistan, The Netherlands, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, South Africa, Mauritius, Taiwan, China, Jordan, Canada, France, Austria, Australia, Finland, Aruba, Curacao, Cuba, Iran, Italy, Malaysia, Japan, China along with the Autonomous Region of Tibet, Korea, Belgium, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States have held their exhibitions at the Gallery.
原文出自 Siddhartha Art Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Siddhartha Art Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.