
設於1997年,Khoj 是一個非盈利的當代藝術組織,目前主要任務為聯合創作者促進當代藝術的實驗性的跨領域合作,尋求更多藝術的新可能性,挑戰現有的藝術框架,成為新興藝術家的孵育地。同時也是一個社群平台,讓有興趣參與的當地民眾獲得更多當代藝術的訊息。
From its modest beginnings in 1997 as an annual workshop, Khoj has established itself as a not- for-profit, contemporary arts organisation based in Delhi which provides a financial, physical and intellectual space for artists through its various programs. It has built an international reputation as outstanding alternative arts incubation space. It plays a central role in the development of experimental, interdisciplinary, and critical contemporary art practice in India– constantly challenging the established thinking about art.
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Khoj and has been translated and altered by AVAT.