Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath

Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath
Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath 由 M. Arya Murthy 與 M. M. Nanjunda Rao 創建於1960年,坐落於印度班加羅爾市中心,領導著視覺藝術的發展。其涵蓋多種藝術種類與結構,包括線上博物館、畫廊和數位典藏,展示了民間、傳統、和當代藝術在內的印度視覺文化。
Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath is situated in the heart of Bangalore city (India), with beautiful vibrant premises. It was established in 1960 by the founder President late M. Arya Murthy and founder Secretary late Prof. M.S Nanjunda Rao. Karnataka Chitrakala Prishath is an Art Complex, operating in Bangalore from the mid-sixties as the leading center for Visual Arts. It is a land mark for visual culture in the city and the State. It comprise of a network of Museums, Galleries and Archives that display a valuable collection of Pan –Indian Visual Culture that includes Folk, Traditional, Modern and Contemporary Art.
原文出自Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath and has been translated and altered by AVAT.