Jean-Paul Najar Foundation
JPNF 是一個已經向國際博物館理事會註冊為私人博物館的機構,主要展覽1960年代至今歐美的抽象藝術作品,並且至今已保存並且收錄超過四十年的藝術資料,記錄藝術家與藏家之間的交流。致力於從事教育,JPNF 運行教育專案以培養觀眾自主發掘的精神,以及提出與當地多元社會相呼應的問題。
The JPNF is an ICOM registered private museum presenting abstract European and American art from the 1960s through today. Presenting three exhibitions a year, the JPNF is also home to a remarkable archive tracing forty years of artist-collector exchanges. Education is central to the museum’s mission. We are committed to presenting an educational program that promotes a spirit of discovery and inquiry that engages our diverse community.
原文出自 JEAN-PAUL NAJAR FOUNDATION 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of JEAN-PAUL NAJAR FOUNDATION and has been translated and altered by AVAT.