El Warcha
El Warcha 為阿拉伯語,意思是工作坊。El Warcha 是一個自造者組織及空間,2016年於突尼西亞的麥地那成立。致力於透過製作城市家具及裝置藝術推廣另類教學形式與公民行動。「透過自造來學習」為此機構所有活動和企劃的核心概念。El Warcha 經常與其他機構合作執行公共藝術與社會參與式計畫,也接受私人委託。此計畫在過去幾年遍佈各地,包含位於英國倫敦北部的托特納姆、里斯本,和位於美國加州的戴維斯,召集三大洲、跨地域社群卻有著共同創作目標的人們。
*2020-2021 視盟「全球災難共同體-我們如何因應、紓困與復甦?」參與單位
El Warcha, means workshop in Arabic, it is a collective and maker-space founded in 2016 in the medina of Tunis, Tunisia. It aims to promote alternative forms of education and civic actions through the making of urban furniture and art installations. The idea of learning by making is central to this practice and all the activities revolve around live projects. We regularly work on partnerships with other organizations on public art and participative projects, we also take on private commissions. In the last few years the project established itself in Tottenham (north London), Lisbon and Davis (CA) working towards a trans-local community of like-minded creative practitioners across three continents.
原文出自 El Warcha,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from El Warcha and has been translated and altered by AVAT.