

coculture,一個近期由 Barakeh 成立的非營利組織,處理許多在中東、歐洲和其他地區流離失所的文化創作者面臨到的諸多挑戰,伴隨著以小博大的藝術家們試圖直面當代大量移民所產生的相關議題。


*2020-2021 視盟「全球災難共同體-我們如何因應、紓困與復甦?」參與單位

coculture, a nonprofit organisation was recently founded by Barakeh to address the many challenges faced by displaced cultural producers in the Middle East, Europe, and beyond. With a suite of initiatives that leverage artistic thinking to directly address issues of contemporary mass migration.

原文出自 coculture,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from coculture and has been translated and altered by AVAT