尼泊爾 Nepal

Space A

Space A 成立於 2008 ,為一跨領域藝術機構,集結視覺藝術家、室內設計師、珠寶設計師、音樂家和作家,以推廣尼泊爾的跨領域藝術創作。這種獨特的多樣性催生了許多傑出的發想。Space A 是獨立運作的非政府組織,也是非營利、非政治性的藝術家倡議組織,其目標是建立一個穩定的批判性分析、反思、公開討論、信息交流、協作和互動交流的平台。 設立研究、討論活動、展覽、教育和駐村計畫等項目,為跨領域的當代藝術實踐做出貢獻。

Space A 是尼泊爾藝術界的先驅組織,協助在尼泊爾當代藝術中建立各種當代藝術媒介,如表演、裝置、視頻和許多實驗媒介。 自 2019 年以來,Space A 一直在規劃駐村計畫「加德滿都國際藝術家駐留項目」(KIAR),該計畫現已成為尼泊爾最重要且最具規模的藝術駐村項目,提供藝術家跨越時空、重溫歷史以及享受自然美景的駐村體驗。

*  2022 視盟「國際FreeS社-亞洲當代藝術進行式」參與單位

Siddhartha Art Gallery

Siddhartha Art Gallery

Sangeeta Thapa 和國際知名藝術家 Shashikala Tiwari 於1987年9月27日成立悉達多藝術畫廊,作為尼泊爾和國外藝術家的當代藝術空間和聚會點。 1997年,畫廊搬遷到宏偉的 Baber Mahal Revis。 悉達多藝術畫廊一直積極推廣尼泊爾當代藝術,並致力於將藝術領域的國際視野引進加德滿都社區。


Sangeeta Thapa and internationally recognized artist, Shashikala Tiwari, established Siddhartha Art Gallery on September the 27th, 1987 as a contemporary art space and meeting point for artists from Nepal and abroad. In 1997, the Gallery relocated to the magnificent Baber Mahal Revisited complex. The Siddhartha Art Gallery has been active in the promotion of contemporary Nepalese art and has strived to introduce international perspectives in art, to the Kathmandu community. Over the years artists from India, Pakistan, The Netherlands, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, South Africa, Mauritius, Taiwan, China, Jordan, Canada, France, Austria, Australia, Finland, Aruba, Curacao, Cuba, Iran, Italy, Malaysia, Japan, China along with the Autonomous Region of Tibet, Korea, Belgium, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States have held their exhibitions at the Gallery.

原文出自 Siddhartha Art Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Siddhartha Art Gallery and has been translated and altered by AVAT.

Park Gallery

成立於1970年,是尼泊爾第一個獨立藝術機構,由先鋒藝術家Rama Nanda Joshi 創辦,以應對缺乏現代藝術教育和新興藝術家的展覽空間。藝廊相關內容包含定期的展覽、藝術家座談會及繪畫課程。


Established in 1970, Park Gallery is Nepal’s first independent art institution and was founded by the pioneering artist, Rama Nanda Joshi (1938-1988), in response to the lack of modern art schooling and exhibition space for budding artists.

原文出自 Park Gallery 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Park Galley and has been translated and altered by AVAT.


LASANAA 替代空間是一個因應展演需求轉換形式的概念空間,促進與社區的合作,一同推廣當代藝術。NexUs 為LASANAA 多數活動舉行的空間。秉持凝聚人心的宗旨,LASANAA 透過交流讓藝術家學習,提供國內外藝術家探索非傳統藝術形式的機會,進而產生獨到且與眾不同的藝術表達。LASANAA 的核心理念是為社會帶來改變,不論是在社會、文化或政治層面上,都希望能透過藝術和行動主義的結合激發變革。


*2018 視盟「西亞南亞交流計畫」參與單位

LASANAA, an alternative art space, is a conceptual space that adapts its forms as needed and stimulates a community to collaborate and promote contemporary art. NexUs is the physical space where LASANAA events are realized most of the time. LASANAA, with the credo of bringing people together, allows learning through the exchange. It provides an opportunity for local and international artists to explore art forms beyond the conventional and the traditional, in order to arrive at a unique individual expression.LASANAA’s main objective is to bring about changes in society – on social, cultural and political levels, through its artivism (art + activism).

原文出自 LASANAA @ NexUs 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of LASANAA @ NexUs and has been translated and altered by AVAT.

Gallery Mcube

Gallery Mcube



Mcube (M3) is newly established Alternative Art Space for Visual Art based in the Heart of Lalitpur, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Mcube hosts various events to improve appreciation in Art through talk series, Artists residency exchanges, visual art exhibitions, supporting local artists through resources and publications. This space is established in the year 2011 to create Visual Art Culture into mainstream affair with diverse art genres. Our area of concern is community art, contemporary visual art practices like performance, videos, installation, painting, sculpture, photography etc. We also organize occasional art classes for children and adults, community art projects, film shows, workshops etc. Recently, after the earthquake we are engaging in the Get Well Soon Project. This project deals especially with children of affected area. We aim to heal children through art and also make them feel responsible about the post disaster management.

原文出自 Gallery Mcube 官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Gallery Mcube and has been translated and altered by AVAT.