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Art Positive

Gallery Art Positive 創建於2005年,專注於舉辦具有開創性展覽和藝術活動而聞名,迄今涵蓋年輕藝術家與知名藝術家的作品。並提供個人與藝術機構各種管理藝術品的咨詢與建議:從特別企劃到線上展覽,大師班,個人化作品集,藝術教育活動以及關於藝術品購買,評選,展示,保險,經手,保管和保存等等。


Gallery Art Positive that emerged on the Indian art scene since 2005, is known for its focus on seminal exhibitions and art initiatives including work by young and established artists that it has organized to-date.
Ranging from special shows to online exhibitions, master classes, personalized portfolios, art education initiatives as well as advice on buying, selection, display, insurance, handling, care and conservation of art, Art Positive, a unit of BCAH is acknowledged for the specialized and personalized art advisory services that it offers to a wide spectrum of collectors and institutions, both locally and globally.

原文出自Art Positive官方網站,由社團法人台灣視覺藝術協會整理翻譯。
Text in this page is originally from the official website of Art Positive and has been translated and altered by AVAT.